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Just got done yeaterday defending myself and me beloved Blurples from a gang of rogue Blurple haters. It was a battle. Don't really think I was victorious. But, I fought hard. Didn't give up. And I think we all came to a peaceful understanding. Love and let live.

@doz @KarmaPaymentPlan @HiloReign

Start a thread titled something like " Whats the best blurple lights you can buy right now" and watch them all lose their minds lol
bump let's see the glory shots mang show us your 25cent nugs of disco past
I would but I smoked the best of it bro. I don't maintain a catalog just cause if my phone gets into the wrong hands. Well. +rep and thanks for chiming in.

Do your math. I grossly overestimated my costs. Keep in mind my elec is .10 a KWH, I use me perlite Hempy over and over and simply use tap and Lucas formula. So, consumables are minimal cost, the biggest is elec and next genes. I'm telling you. If you do the cost per gram and get decent yields you will be surprised how cheap it is. Also, that estimate is with 350 watts(150 HPS and me beloved 2 Blurples) and I am way overdoing it at that point.
Start a thread titled something like " Whats the best blurple lights you can buy right now" and watch them all lose their minds lol
Yeah my newest Blurple is a 2011-12 model from the peeps before they were "Mars". The first may be 2010, I dunno. It's straight from China, I won it on eBay. 45 3 watters.
I would but I smoked the best of it bro. I don't maintain a catalog just cause if my phone gets into the wrong hands. Well. +rep and thanks for chiming in.

Do your math. I grossly overestimated my costs. Keep in mind my elec is .10 a KWH, I use me perlite Hempy over and over and simply use tap and Lucas formula. So, consumables are minimal cost, the biggest is elec and next genes. I'm telling you. If you do the cost per gram and get decent yields you will be surprised how cheap it is. Also, that estimate is with 350 watts(150 HPS and me beloved 2 Blurples) and I am way overdoing it at that point.
yes your pics say it all now would you kindly leave me out of your petty arguments
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