Show of hands for the DREADS


Well-Known Member
can you please tell me the history behind dreads? I always hear some of my friends og's sayin those kids dont know the meaning behind dreads.


Well-Known Member
I got pulled over and searched for just walking down the sidewalk before when i had mine. I miss them. It took them over a year to look good. At least i have long hair now. so maybe i can work on gettin them back.


Well-Known Member
yeah i get harassed by the fuzz all the time, just recently i was stopped by the police while walking by the river, they searched my bags (probably looking for drugs) coudnt find any so they charged me with carring a graffiti impliment with suspision of use, it was a sharpie.
But i wouldnt ever not have my locks, i agree you should get yours back.


Well-Known Member
yea the last ones i had were mostly natural. i played w/ them rolling them between my palms sometimes and put goopy stuff in it sometimes as well. I had to tear some when they tried to grow together. It was just a lot of waiting and anticipation in general. and it took a year for them to look nice. I'm not sure what my boss would think as well. maybe if i can find someone w/ them that would be willing to teach me back combing and help me get mine up and going I will do it.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the explanation, cause I was at a total loss as to what you were talking about. lol

"Show of hands for the DREADS

How many gnatty warriors have we got on this forum?"


Well-Known Member
Dreadlocks, first popularized by the Rasfarian religion, are supposed to symbolize the mane of a lion. Rastas consider the lion a king and as you may know, they worship "Jah" (probably a derivision of "Yahweh" of "Jehova"). Emulating the lion's locks associates them with the king and is viewed as more than a hairstyle to a true rastafarian. It's a source of strength, much in the way Samson's locks were. FYI, Haile Salassie is regarded as their "messiah" and is also known as the "Lion of Judah".


Well-Known Member
Been a lot of great info about dreads in this thread but how many people actually have them, so far i have jordy and myself, are we the only two ppl in the forum with dreads?