Show me your SLH


Well-Known Member
Well I got my 5 feminized seeds from the tude a while ago. Super Lemon Haze from Green House Seeds has been in the top list for a couple years I think so I bought it. I've grown 4 out of my 5 seeds. 2 were good in every aspect but yield and cloning speed, 1 was really terrible and had to be killed, and I'm currently in the 4th wishing I had kept one of the first. Have anyone of you found a great phenotype of this strain? Good yield, Finishing time?


RIU Bulldog
Barney's Farm?
Don't you mean Greenhouse?
Anyway, from what I hear about the strain you shouldn't be disappointed. Just watch for hermies.


Well-Known Member
I've got 5 seedlings from Greenhouse... Ask me in three months... lol
Speaking of barneys, I have their Tangerine Dream, too..

I was hoping the SLH would all be good...


Well-Known Member
i bought five seeds and cracked 2, i give one away and have only ever grown one plant of this pheno.

it was the greatest pot i have ever had the pleasure of smoking and growing, everything about it was amazing.

it grows fast, produces well, clones very well, looks incredible, smells even better, has a high calyx to leaf ratio and has a unique stone affect too.

this is going to be my next grow and is definately a keeper.


Well-Known Member
Picture.jpgPicture 216.jpgPicture 031.jpgPicture 035.jpgPicture 037.jpggot mine from greenhouse completed 3 grows of it & working on a 4th the 2 pics with the light on are a friends the rest are mine


Active Member
I actually have 4 SLH growing right now but they are only a week from sprout so ill let you know how they are in acouple monhts :) From what horribleherk's pictures are showing looks like it will be some dank bud. What did you yeild on that herk?


Well-Known Member
Hey beans! I grew it already it was a great smoke but is the growing that's still lacking compared to the other strains I have. Maybe I haven't done everything right like Horribleherk who has some nice pics btw.


Well-Known Member
i yielded a little over 14oz. 1000w.hps & homemade 3x3 tub grown in rockwool used gh-floranova keep it simple recirc. schedule & pineapple rush


Well-Known Member
i yielded a little over 14oz. 1000w.hps & homemade 3x3 tub grown in rockwool used gh-floranova keep it simple recirc. schedule & pineapple rush
Man that was exactly my yield around .4 gpw and that is pretty low for my 1K HPS which regularly puts out 1.2+... maybe this strain is just not meant for commercial purposes and on top of that it takes 11 freaking weeks to finish! if it wasn't for that sweet taste it wouldn't be worth while IMO. I was looking for people growing SLH and yielding monsters, if it's like this I won't be giving SLH another run


Well-Known Member
thats why im trying some of sannies stuff i want slh quality but i want a larger yield [1 lb = 1000w. is my goal] some phenos of slh yield better than others but youve gotta work for it problem is my people are spoiled & want conneseur grade for commercial grade prices im looking for a strain that bridges that gap querkle didnt yield any better but smokes about as good im gonna try sannies jackberry & female seeds pure ak in the future ive got headband 707 & sour/d going in dirt & killing fields ,lady cane & slh in hydro killing fields is showing some potential i will say the demand for slh is high everyone likes it