Should you include base ec of your water to feed total?


Active Member
As the title says should you include tap water base ec to your desired total? Normally I would say yes.
My tap water is normally under 0.4 ec that's the lowest my ec meter reads an normally doesn't detect, today the water out my tap is 0.7 ec normally I have been feeding at 1.2 should I increase to account for the base ec? I feel they won't be getting enough nutes. I also have some baby's that I have been feeding at 0.6 so straight out my tap is higher an they wouldn't receive any of my nutes if i feed at 0.7


Well-Known Member
I say yes you do. If you have 200ppm of something in the water, it’s in there and it affect things. Though it does matter what the ppm is made of.


Well-Known Member
Only benys in water is minerals

Read any place and water EC is not included in nute scheduled feeding, too much un knowns in water