should you ever flush with water only during life of plant


Well-Known Member
DOING ebb n flow and was wondering if anyone ever flushes plant with phed or water only. Why and what it does if anyone could explain. IM asking this because I have a partner and if I suggest something I better have all the facts in line.


New Member
I have done it to flush the plants when they were a little nutrient burnt, only two days at most and usually with some hydrozyme.


Well-Known Member
I often times do a mid flower flush, only about 24 hrs, which in my 4x4 table is about 3 feedings. I use ph'd water, and some times add clearex if I have it. I do this mostly to ensure I don't get any nutrient build up in the root system.


Well-Known Member
hi bdt 1981,

yes I do :) but also made at least one run without ( well with a flush before harvest ).

So you can but don't have to :)

Run for 4 weeks, take a sample out of the res and compare ( just visual ) to a sample of new nute !

You may also experience a rise in Ec which would force a flush.

I know guys doing that every week ! but if you have a big res you will throw away a lot of nutes, not good.

so you could,

- when you switch to flower ( if you veg for 2-4 weeks, or every month )
- after 4 weeks ( maybe you'll add some booster here )
- after 2 weeks ( you want to remove booster now, affects taste )
- before harvest.

Have a nice day !

edit :

forget ph'd water and atazyme ( or whateverzyme of course ).