Should we ignore some issues when close to harvest?


I'm about two weeks before harvest and one of my plants showed some burns on the top bud's leaves. Right after I saw this it was time for flushing and I was hoping perhaps it's over-nuting but it's just getting worse. I doubt it's heat as at that height I keep it tops 80F (~27C) So I guess it's some deficiency and the flush is just worsening it. The question is should I close my eyes for this one or do something about it?.

See for yourselves:

that is a magnesium def, it will actually SLOW growth... calmag will help plus this is the time when your ladies gain the most weight
ahh I knew this would come back to me! Is it good to use additives while using an organic flush solution? Or should I cut it off?

Thanks for the quick reply!
If you wanna use a organic calmag then I would recommend General Organics calmag, good good shit and totally organic. AND IMO this calmag works the best outta all of them. I have even mixed it with chemical nutes and it still works great
Well if u add calmag and keep flushing then ur gna flush it right out. So just add a lil calmag every time u water from now on. I add calmag till last 2 weeks
He is totally right, do not flush cause your getting rid of any built up foods in the soil that the plant is eating.. A easy way to avoid this is to start supplementing with calmag right when you flip your lights. I have learned over the years that most strains don't use shit for calmag in veg but when in bloom they gobble a shit ton which most foods on the market just don't supply enough of
Right, I gotta act quickly then. I'll stop flushing first thing and try to get some calmag from local agrochemical store because the grow shops here don't have this kind of stuff apparently and ordering online will take more time than I want to waste..

Thanks a lot, people!
So my only option for acting asap is buying CO2 tablets, containing Mg - guess it isn't the best option but what can I do.. :/
yeah.. unfortunately I don't get this stuff around here. Found a guy who will send me some AlgaeCal and I hope the MG in the CO2 tablets is as high as possible
yeah.. unfortunately I don't get this stuff around here. Found a guy who will send me some AlgaeCal and I hope the MG in the CO2 tablets is as high as possible

so you are going to drop the co2 tablets in water? And aerate the water with co2? thats kinda bad man...roots need o2, not'll suffocate your root system that way :)
Aerate ya water with air stones for 24 hours to increase O2 to roots...or 1-2 ml of hydrogen peroxide per ltr will work.......I'd have to wonder how ya know you're 2 weeks from finish if you're having these issues...and if you ARE two weeks from finish, it's too late to correct as plants are NOT going to show much improvement in that time....good luck...if it were me, I'd be flushing....with only water......assuming 2 wk harvest...
I was thinking of foliar feeding .. yeah, I know - mold and stuff but my box keeps the humidity below 35% all the time and the temp is always in the norm so i foliar spray them with harpin every now and then and with the inline fan they dry off quickly - will try with this one as well - only on the damaged plants though...

Well in two weeks it's gonna be 9 weeks and for an AF that's enough I suppose... Also the pistils are 70% brown now - though about 80-90% of the trichs are still milky and not amber - that's why i'm giving it about 2 weeks more..
epsom salts you can get at walmart for like a 1$. ive never used but a buddy does. look around on here for a recipe. i was tald take a mason jar, water, a table spoon epsom salts, mix in jar strain just the dissolved liqued out with coffee filter. mix solution with gallon water, safe to add nutes too.
Epsom salts at 1 tablespoon/gal warm water. It only takes a few days to absorb. If you're two wks from harvest it won't make much dif.