should we be telling Google to get out?

is google too powerful for our own good

  • yes

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • no

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • it's an evil monster

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • it's just another company doing what companies do

    Votes: 7 21.9%

  • Total voters
Dude. You believe the world is fucking flat and that most tech on the planet is being manipulated for a millennium.

Who the fuck are you to offer an opinion on anything
Google is just a tool, I don't use it for anything else than search. No matter what site you use you will be exposed to having your data tracked, anything you use online is also being used. Hell any post you make in a site like this is part of your data footprint and data on you. It has nothing to do with google other than whoever programed the data collection used google to find the code they needed when they were slapping it all together.

If you want the good stuff, use google scholar, otherwise learn how disinformation 'news' sites work, and tell your kids/ grandparents about cat fishing trolls on any video game/whatever home and garden site they read the comment section they like to skim.
i have absolutely nothing "voice powered" in my house. i'm not ...paranoid...but i just expect them to listen if they can. i keep my phone in my desk drawer most of the time. i never thought about it much, until i started to notice that every time i opened the browser on my phone, it would offer me suggestions that were tied to conversations i was having with people while i had my phone in my pocket.....that's too big a coincidence for me to just ignore...they're "listening" to me and using keywords to define searches....i don't think there is a person actually listening to me, it's all algorithms and flagged terms, but it's still a fucking invasion of my privacy and i do not like it worth a fuck.
i keep the headset on my computer unplugged unless i'm using it. just another way for them to invade my privacy.
it just seems kind of fucking crazy that the government needs to have sufficient cause to wiretap someone, but any website owner can do it just cause he wants to.....
Herd immunity. Like you said there is too much data to process to really worry about it (outside of doing some seriously bad shit that would get flagged), the problem is we should have access to every bit of data we produce if everyone else gets to use it as long as they can pay for it. I would love to have my own Jarvis, our memory is so bad it would be nice to be able to browse things I have said/done from time to time accurately and not just think I said what I meant to say and that it was understood the way I meant it to.
This is both false and naive.
If someone is out to get you, they will get you, they may be able to use online data, but it doesn't mean that they have the knowledge or the gear (plus the time) to go through all of someones data to find what they are using to exploit. But they have to really want to screw you at that point, and there is likely to be more efficient ways.

And anyway meaningfully massive enough scale to worry about you being the person they randomly attack is what they are already doing outside of America's legal system. But using that as an excuse to put the blame on google innovating new technologies (or any other company who is subject to our laws) is a stretch for me.
This is both false and naive.
there are an estimated (they won't say) 30-40,000 employs of the nsa...if 3/4 of them, call it 25,000 are directly monitoring people, that would mean each of them would have to check on 13,800 people per day...if each person is there staring at a monitor for 24 hours a day, they could devote 6 seconds to each person...if you cut their day down to 12 hours, with an hour for lunch, bathroom, w/e, each person would get roughly 3.5 seconds of screen time....
just to put things into perspective.....
they use algorithms and flagged words to mark people who should be monitored more closely....and i doubt they have close to enough man power to do that adequately...
they ARE watching, they ARE out there, but unless you're saying the very wrong things online, you're just an uninteresting blip on the radar screen.....
If someone is out to get you, they will get you, they may be able to use online data, but it doesn't mean that they have the knowledge or the gear (plus the time) to go through all of someones data to find what they are using to exploit. But they have to really want to screw you at that point, and there is likely to be more efficient ways.

And anyway meaningfully massive enough scale to worry about you being the person they randomly attack is what they are already doing outside of America's legal system. But using that as an excuse to put the blame on google innovating new technologies (or any other company who is subject to our laws) is a stretch for me.
Edward Snowden told us we're all under surveillance and they're keeping all the records forever. That means they'll did up your entire record and fuck you over with it anytime they want- which is exactly when you don't want them to be able to.

They laugh while they wipe their ass with your Fourth Amendment rights.
there are an estimated (they won't say) 30-40,000 employs of the nsa...if 3/4 of them, call it 25,000 are directly monitoring people, that would mean each of them would have to check on 13,800 people per day...if each person is there staring at a monitor for 24 hours a day, they could devote 6 seconds to each person...if you cut their day down to 12 hours, with an hour for lunch, bathroom, w/e, each person would get roughly 3.5 seconds of screen time....
just to put things into perspective.....
they use algorithms and flagged words to mark people who should be monitored more closely....and i doubt they have close to enough man power to do that adequately...
they ARE watching, they ARE out there, but unless you're saying the very wrong things online, you're just an uninteresting blip on the radar screen.....
They wait until you show up on the radar, then they dig up everything you've ever done or said online, specifically to make it as bad for you as possible.

It has nothing to do with prevention or justice, it has everything to do with intimidation and retribution.
Edward Snowden told us we're all under surveillance and they're keeping all the records forever. That means they'll did up your entire record and fuck you over with it anytime they want- which is exactly when you don't want them to be able to.

They laugh while they wipe their ass with your Fourth Amendment rights.
Snowden, that douche then took that technology to the Russians who immediately started to use it. It was already all out there though. Everything you have ever done on this website is still there (mostly unless deleted) right? Data is and will continue to be very important to understanding humanity once we get long enough observations. Just shutting our eyes to it and hoping that companies start to purge their data is similar to burning books imo.

It doesn't mean it is not at a dangerous time for us, bad actors have never had such a clean look into their marks.
Snowden, that douche then took that technology to the Russians who immediately started to use it. It was already all out there though. Everything you have ever done on this website is still there (mostly unless deleted) right? Data is and will continue to be very important to understanding humanity once we get long enough observations. Just shutting our eyes to it and hoping that companies start to purge their data is similar to burning books imo.

It doesn't mean it is not at a dangerous time for us, bad actors have never had such a clean look into their marks.
Snowden gave nothing to the Russians. He took the information he was blowing the whistle on and made it public, through the Intercept news organisation.

There is a lot of deliberate disinformation about what he supposedly did. Betcha can't guess why they might want to smear him? Wouldn't have anything to do with him exposing their systematic abuses of every American's constitutional rights to privacy or anything!

Those who are cool with their loss of privacy 'because they have nothing to hide' are saying they don't need the first amendment because they have nothing to say.
Snowden gave nothing to the Russians. He took the information he was blowing the whistle on and made it public, through the Intercept news organisation.

There is a lot of deliberate disinformation about what he supposedly did. Betcha can't guess why they might want to smear him? Wouldn't have anything to do with him exposing their systematic abuses of every American's constitutional rights to privacy or anything!

Those who are cool with their loss of privacy 'because they have nothing to hide' are saying they don't need the first amendment because they have nothing to say.
In June 2018, only about 1% of what Snowden took had been leaked, everything else the Russians have.
The top U.S. counterintelligence official said journalists have released only about 1 percent taken by the 34-year-old American, now living in exile in Russia, “so we don’t see this issue ending anytime soon.”

“This past year, we had more international, Snowden-related documents and breaches than ever,” Bill Evanina, who directs the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said at a recent conference. “Since 2013, when Snowden left, there have been thousands of articles around the world with really sensitive stuff that’s been leaked.”

Combining the data analysis programming code for online activity that Snowden stole, with the Russians online propaganda machine and their pinpointing the American (or any other countries) electorate that will fall for whatever propaganda they will fall for, and online resources such as google/facebook and every website with a comment section, Snowden fucked us and is a traitor to democracy.

Late 2013 Snowden hits Russian soil, by early 2014 the Russians started sending data collection agents to America to figure out our weaknesses.
In June 2018, only about 1% of what Snowden took had been leaked, everything else the Russians have.

Combining the data analysis programming code for online activity that Snowden stole, with the Russians online propaganda machine and their pinpointing the American (or any other countries) electorate that will fall for whatever propaganda they will fall for, and online resources such as google/facebook and every website with a comment section, Snowden fucked us and is a traitor to democracy.

Late 2013 Snowden hits Russian soil, by early 2014 the Russians started sending data collection agents to America to figure out our weaknesses.
If you had actually read that article, you'd see that he handed everything he had to American journalists in 2013, who have been trickling stories out ever since. Not one word in there about collusion with the Russian government.

It's okay if you don't want to think critically, if at all. That's your right as an American! Just don't expect the rest of us to follow your lead.
They wait until you show up on the radar, then they dig up everything you've ever done or said online, specifically to make it as bad for you as possible.

It has nothing to do with prevention or justice, it has everything to do with intimidation and retribution.
i'm not a terrorist, and i'm fairly certain they know i'm not...i say some pretty inflammatory shit online, and mean 90+% of it...but i don't kick those flags, so they pretty much ignore have to be doing something a lot worse than saying trump is a cocksucking fuck-face asshole for them to even be aware of your existence.
so...what are people doing to make themselves show up on this radar? i'd guess the majority of people who kick enough flags to show up on the radar ought to be looked at...and a fair percentage of those people probably deserve to be fucked with.
if it is shown that the n.s.a. is harassing citizens, and operating outside of their mandate, then they should be smacked back into line, hard...but it seems like they're kind of busy to be fucking with people who don't warrant it...
do not think i'm naive, that i think they wouldn't, i just don't think they have the time to be fucking with random people who don't represent some kind of security threat. if they were watching people at trumps behest, someone would have said something about it by now. can you imagine how long his enemies list is?....
. . . . . . . if it is shown that the n.s.a. is harassing citizens, and operating outside of their mandate, then they should be smacked back into line, hard...but it seems like they're kind of busy to be fucking with people who don't warrant it... ....
The one thing that all branches have a problem with is love intel. Folks are spying on their ex's and what not. Almost no one is charged with it, but it is happening across the board.
The one thing that all branches have a problem with is love intel. Folks are spying on their ex's and what not. Almost no one is charged with it, but it is happening across the board.
This is another reason why I think we should all have access to our own data, and be notified if anyone accesses it (outside of maybe a warrant being issued to not spook people into going to ground for acts of terror stuff).

I also think we should get compensated for people using it.