Should Trump pay off his bet?

Should Trump pay Elizabeth Warren $1M for proving Indian ancestry?

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The electoral college was a compromise to slave states

Once again, whites need special rights and privileges

It wasn't a "compromise" it was the plan all along. The founders wanted to keep the Monarchy while pretending they got rid of them, to fool sheeple like you our votes actually mean anything at all.
i'm canadian, i have no idea how the US voting system works, but the fact someone can have 3 million votes less and still be elected seems retarded to me .... i think things should be proportional representation
the electoral college is just meant to confuse people so they don't know what the hell is going this "explanation" and see if you aren't just as confused as before, if not more....
we elect electors, who aren't actually under any obligation to vote for anyone particular....¿ they're picked to represent candidates, but if they decide to change their minds, singly or collectively, THEY CAN.....actually, 29 states say they have to vote for who the popular vote in their state picks. in the other 21, they don't....but it's rare that they go against the popular vote.
this is all just a bullshit smoke screen to keep peoples votes from counting like they ought to. the electoral college needs to go, and the popular vote needs to be what gets counted....period.
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the electoral college is just meant to confuse people so they don;t know what the hell is going this "explanation" and see if you aren't just as confused as before, if not more....
we elect electors, who aren't actually under any obligation to vote for anyone particular....¿ they're picked to represent candidates, but if they decide to change their minds, singly or collectively, THEY CAN.....actually, 29 states say they have to vote for who the popular vote in their state picks. in the other 21, they don't....but it's rare that they go against the popular vote.
this is all just a bullshit smoke screen to keep peoples votes from counting like they ought to. the electoral college needs to go, and the popular vote needs to be what gets counted....period.

The other 21 can go against too. They'll just get "punished." Oh the horror.

*edit The punishment is $1,000 fine!
are you replying to me ?? no one posted between me and you right?

edit: haha i was the single "no" vote :D

That was to UncleBuck.

Are you using a real shitty browser that doesn't parse quite right? Cause you keep seeing posts as if they're not the correct person.

Safari and Opera use dynamic parsing engines and used to have that problem for me too. Maybe you just need to update?

I would've voted no too if it wasn't qualified with the only suckers part. Warren is a liar. Anyone could guess at being part Indian, and statistically have more percent than she did.
That was to UncleBuck.
oh that explains it... i have that guy blocked for being mind-numbingly partisan... i try to remain absolutely non-partisan at all times... i believe in RIGHT and WRONG, not LEFT and RIGHT..... the first time was just because i'm so used to having to defend myself against false claims of antisemitism

hey @Sir Napsalot - Popadopalous has come directly out and said he's being framed by "Western" (read: Israeli, US) intelligence. he doesn't want to serve jail time because he knows he's being framed.

“As I've stated, all my contacts were completely in the Middle East, and Israel in particular and Europe. I had absolutely no contacts in Russia,” he said. “Just given that, how on Earth could a man like me be at the center of a Russia conspiracy unless I was completely framed by Western intelligence to make it seem that Papadopoulos was interacting with Russians and that he's the patsy that started this whole investigation?”

originally i assumed he was knowingly acting as an agent for israeli intelligence, leaving false breadcrumbs to frame the russians, but now i'm thinking maybe he was just a dumb loudmouth and they knew that so they fed him false intelligence, set up a meeting with an australian diplomat, and fed him alcohol til he talked... or the australian diplomat is the israeli agent and fed him alcohol til he blacked out and just lied about receiving that information from poor georgie.

here's what we know : george nader contacted an israeli intelligence firm to set up a gas lighting campaign on social media to sway public opinion about trump - george popadopalous attended a meeting organized by an israeli diplomat, the conversation at this meeting completely formed the basis for the russia investigation - george nader pays the israeli intelligence firm 2 million after the election - neither will confirm if the social media campaign actually happened (it did) - popadopalous comes out and says he's never had contacts with russia, all of his contacts were with israel (the ones who set up the meeting)... it's pretty obvious

the "meuller investigation" is a complete sham who's only purpose is to insulate and protect trump, and "confirm" what they want everyone to believe - that "russia" was the source of collusion in the election... robert meuller is a known extreme zionist, and was instrumental in the neocon 9/11 cover-up... he did such a good job last time they knew they could trust him to cover this up
Said the INCEL with the anime Nazi avatar.
LOL i just looked up that words definition ... literally the complete opposite of me :D i'm a christian, i have no desire for any relationship for at least 3 years and practice celibacy until marriage ... plus anger, resentment, frustration, grudges etc are wasted emotions ... i'm happy 10000% of the time
LOL i just looked up that words definition ... literally the complete opposite of me :D i'm a christian, i have no desire for any relationship for at least 3 years and practice celibacy until marriage ... plus anger, resentment, frustration, grudges etc are wasted emotions ... i'm happy 10000% of the time
i'm not trying to be insulting, i'm trying to be honest. if you're happy all the time, you're either stupid or crazy as batshit.
you're capable of feeling anger for a reason. it's supposed to motivate you to do something about a bad situation. i semi agree that resentment is pretty much personal problems being manifested, but justifiable, honest anger is a useful emotion. people being abused makes me angry. people being lied to by their government makes me angry. people being manipulated makes me angry, and people being stupid enough to allow themselves to be manipulated makes me angry....lot's of reasons for anger....what you do with the anger is the important thing. do you allow it to move you to violence? or do you try to get involved in the process, and change it? so the things that make you angry will go away, forever, finally?
i'm not trying to be insulting, i'm trying to be honest. if you're happy all the time, you're either stupid or crazy as batshit.
you're capable of feeling anger for a reason. it's supposed to motivate you to do something about a bad situation. i semi agree that resentment is pretty much personal problems being manifested, but justifiable, honest anger is a useful emotion. people being abused makes me angry. people being lied to by their government makes me angry. people being manipulated makes me angry, and people being stupid enough to allow themselves to be manipulated makes me angry....lot's of reasons for anger....what you do with the anger is the important thing. do you allow it to move you to violence? or do you try to get involved in the process, and change it? so the things that make you angry will go away, forever, finally?
yes but anger should be temporary, quickly replaced by determination and satisfaction that you're doing something meaningful