Should these clones take?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I decided to see if I can get any help out here as my thread has lost it's value as an info gathering place it has turned to a journal on my grow. So I'll try asking my questions in a new thread.

I took these clones today and have never done anything like this before. I read every post I came across and they all have the same general info but everyone has their own take on it.

I guess my question is I thought I was batteling a ph problem and was following advise to correct it. I found that the new growth was yellow on most of the plants and while I thought the soil had enough nutes in it for a few weeks but I guess not. I tried to give them water 2 days ago and gave them some nutes (listed in my thread way to much ph up), bio-grow and planticillan at 6.4 ph trying to give them some nitrogen for the yellowing.

While I was taking the clones I was using the ph meter I bought. It had a setting for nutes... It showed that I was borderline low, the soil is still moist, will I cause a problem watering them with nutes while the soil is this moist or is it better to risk the shortage and wait til it dries?


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I also have them under 2- 24w, T5, HO, 2 foot bulbs about 12-14 inches away is this to far not far enough? I really wish the people on this site were more willing to share info....


Well-Known Member
In my opinion i'd risk the shortage man... when in doubt i leave it out. (the nutes that is)... clones are really picky when it comes to ph and nutes... everytime i kill mine it's cause i give them nutes too early... i usually put mine in soil and water with a microscopic amount of fish emulsion in the water, and with no full root system to absorb the water the soil stays moist for a little bit... and i always get some yellowing of the clone leaves, that's normal, but i'm no expert (working on it though!) good luck with the clones! mine are almost 4 weeks from when i cut them and they're starting to grow!

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Misted their morning meal this morning and they seem like they are doing fine. I kinda expected to find them all slumped over and dying but some of them don't look like they were even cut they are standing tall and looking good. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

How long should I wait from the time I cut them before I can turn them to 12-12?


Active Member
wait till you see root growth before you go to 12/12. you can put your light about 4-5 in. above the clones and they will be fine. I say just mist them with plain water for the first 2 weeks about 2-3 times per day and those babies should be great! good luck