Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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not only are Jews and Arabs the same race, they belong the same linguistic family. sounds like Canada's schools are even worse that ours.

Not only that but matriarchy dna can pick out the tribe of Isreal from the Levant samples, even as close as they are to the various tribes of Arab.

But, there is no such thing as a tribe of Palestinians. Genetic distinction in the Med is very important for medicine these days. There are tribal markers that increase the risk of breast cancer to a practical certainty, for example.

And I have a friend right now that is considering a double mastectomy, so she can take the hormones to ward against other female cancer problems. This is from reading her blood for certain gene markers.

So, if there actually was a tribe of Palestine we would know that.
Not only that but matriarchy dna can pick out the tribe of Isreal from the Levant samples, even as close as they are to the various tribes of Arab.

But, there is no such thing as a tribe of Palestinians. Genetic distinction in the Med is very important for medicine these days. There are tribal markers that increase the risk of breast cancer to a practical certainty, for example.

And I have a friend right now that is considering a double mastectomy, so she can take the hormones to ward against other female cancer problems. This is from reading her blood for certain gene markers.

So, if there actually was a tribe of Palestine we would know that.
please google Peleset
Not only that but matriarchy dna can pick out the tribe of Isreal from the Levant samples, even as close as they are to the various tribes of Arab.

But, there is no such thing as a tribe of Palestinians. Genetic distinction in the Med is very important for medicine these days. There are tribal markers that increase the risk of breast cancer to a practical certainty, for example.

And I have a friend right now that is considering a double mastectomy, so she can take the hormones to ward against other female cancer problems. This is from reading her blood for certain gene markers.

So, if there actually was a tribe of Palestine we would know that.

my folks are of Naftoli. a lot of Nathans in the family; for 3600 years.
why the hate on Palestine

Simple. There has never been such a thing as Palestine. These are Arabs, and HAMAS war slaves. 100s of thousands of these Arabs turned down the chance to be Israeli Citizens.

And yet, many did not. Israel has 20% of its citzens that are these Arab and smart enough to stay.

The rest went to Jordan and raised hell, until Jordan forced them back across the river. That is teh West Bank. It is doing all right.

The war-slaves in Gaza are being severly mis-treated by HAMAS. HAMAS has set up this asymetrical psych war, to blame it all on the Jews. The world in general hates the Jews thanks to the dogma of the Western Chuch, which has it's head in it's ass on this one.

An all powerful God can be murdered by the Jews? And still claim it was Herrod, the Jew, that would do nothing to kill "God." The Romans? It is all bullshit, all religions are bullshit.

But, all minds can be manipulated by superstition. Sunni Jihad is preying on the wimpy youth, exactly like Hitler did.

Not strange at all since, the Gestapo became the Brotherhood, beget HAMAS.

Why side with Gestapo?

But, this is not a nation of Jews, it is just a Nation, fighting for its very life.
why the hate on Palestine

there is no "palestine." reason number one. the term was first applied to the Harib of the Mandate in 1965.

I demand justice for my people.......the Sephard. the Mizrahi. 1.2 million of us were evicted from our Harib "hosts," or murdered in pogroms. we constitute half of Israelis.
Unfortunately, you are becoming the Voice of the Angry Jew on this board. Why don't you take it down a notch, and do your race a favor. Actually, because of your seemly endless biased rants, why don't you do us all a favor, go smoke a joint, and shut the fuck up.

suck my big kosher cock :)
Unfortunately, you are becoming the Voice of the Angry Jew on this board. Why don't you take it down a notch, and do your race a favor. Actually, because of your seemly endless biased rants, why don't you do us all a favor, go smoke a joint, and shut the fuck up.

I don't feel like it; what's the penalty, if I refuse? more insane people will hurl comical posts at me?

Jews are not a race. we are Caucasoid, like Celts, Arabs, Germans, Italians, etc.
I am endlessly the true story.
you take me down a notch.......if ya can.
please google Peleset

I know all about Peleset. I know all about language and terminology drift over 1000s of years.

I know there was a sea tribe, long lost by the Roman times, called the Philistines. And there were also the Phoenicians, up the coast around Syria, also long lost.

I know that King David (or Salomon?) wiped them out around 1000 bce.

But, there are Arabs too. By now, these stateless, tribleless Arabs were farming there in the 1920s along with Jews, when Stalin re-launch the the old Catholic hate, called the Elders of Zion about a horrid blood cult.

Jews fled before the pogram and came to the land, not a country, It was part of the Syria Mandate.

I know these Arabs have the right to fight. And the Jews will fight back.

A two state solution is already in progress. The other State will be ISIL.

To me, WW2 is not over, and we still fight the horror of Gestapo but now combined the horror of Sunni Jihad. The Jews are just one front line.
Mr Alejandro,

Your racist arguments give enough reasons for palestinians to "destroy israel".

I'm so much convinced that israel does not want peace with gaza as it constitutes its backyard storage of cheap labor.

The peace proposal actually came from the arabs side in a Beirut, Lebanon summit of all arab leaders Islamist militants were not as powerful as today and they had all agreed on a 2 state solution with israel based on 1967 borders. This literarily translates to: give us some of the land back, and the military operations/ missiles stops. Guess who rejected this settlement?

No one wants peace with tunnels running.
please google Peleset
lol......the Sea Peoples were Doric Greeks. my people killed them.......and the Amalekites, and the Canaanites. we made sure we had a clear title.

the name "Palestine" is a Roman insult....Syriana Palestina. yet, they continued to use the name Judea, even on many Roman documents.
I actually met Bin Ladin after 911. I was checking the pressure in my tires at a gas station. When I was done he picked up the air hose, pointed it in his face and pressed the lever. It scared the piss outta him. This is the mastermind of world terrorism?
I didn't make the phone call to the CIA.......


what crew. this is what happens when your best and brightest are sent away to monasteries (gay clubs) for 2000 years.
all the smart sperm would up in altar boys' bums.
Simple. There has never been such a thing as Palestine. These are Arabs, and HAMAS war slaves. 100s of thousands of these Arabs turned down the chance to be Israeli Citizens.

And yet, many did not. Israel has 20% of its citzens that are these Arab and smart enough to stay.

The rest went to Jordan and raised hell, until Jordan forced them back across the river. That is teh West Bank. It is doing all right.

The war-slaves in Gaza are being severly mis-treated by HAMAS. HAMAS has set up this asymetrical psych war, to blame it all on the Jews. The world in general hates the Jews thanks to the dogma of the Western Chuch, which has it's head in it's ass on this one.

An all powerful God can be murdered by the Jews? And still claim it was Herrod, the Jew, that would do nothing to kill "God." The Romans? It is all bullshit, all religions are bullshit.

But, all minds can be manipulated by superstition. Sunni Jihad is preying on the wimpy youth, exactly like Hitler did.

Not strange at all since, the Gestapo became the Brotherhood, beget HAMAS.

Why side with Gestapo?

But, this is not a nation of Jews, it is just a Nation, fighting for its very life.
At one point in history it was no such thing as American...
the Harib who fled their homes, at their Harib brothers' urging... are refugees. the Mizrahi, evicted, raped, murdered, and plundered by their Muslim "hosts" in 1948...are non-beings. NO


I would drive them back into SA and Yemen; from whence them came :)
900K Arabs were "evicted" from the Mandate. a like number of Jews were "evicted" from the Arab countries. the evicted Jews moved to Israel, as full citizens. the Arabs were denied citizenship, by their Arab "brothers."