should she be looking over the fence?


Well-Known Member
i came across this a few minutes ago

if u watch the video under the article, sarah palin is complaining about her neighbor, whos a reporter thats "out to get her". shes complaining about invasion of privacy and how hes soooo nosey. but in the video she talks about looking over the fence, and making a peephole in it so she can see him. i consider that to be pretty nosey..

if he was really stepping over the boundary, couldnt she just get a restraining order of some kind?


Well-Known Member
I think Sarah Palin is a ticking time bomb. Literally.. I think she could burst at any moment.

Nobody likes the lady.. her daughter is a total slut (kids having kids..) and yet they keep trying to stay on the television by doing desperate shows. I mean have you heard about the new show of hers? It's called "Sarah Palin's Alaska" I believe.

I mean.. who the hell wants to watch her and her family do boring shit all day and hear about their problems and drama and everything else?

Not me and apparently a whole bunch of other people agree with me on that. I mean she's basically "yelling out" "Hey! Look at me. I'm interesting and likable and fun!" She feels like she needs attention.. but not sure how to go about it. The only way she's learned to get attention.. is through the media of television and books. It's quit sad because you can look into her eyes.. and almost feel the negative energy. You can almost see her.. begging for attention.. for someone to notice her.

I'm sure that, that's part of the reason as to why her daughter got pregnant. In order to get all the attention that she wanted, but wasn't sure how to go about getting the attention.. so she figured having a baby at 15 or 16 years of age would do the trick. Well, it did the trick.. only it didn't bring her the positive energy and attention that she was wanting to have.. it only brought negative and bad energy and attention. Plus, it smeared "bad" all over her name and reputation.

Lastly.. even though she's young and she's a slut, I would still hit that. I'd turn that inside-out.. ;) She may have a kid.. and may be a slut.. but she's still hot and as soon as she's 18.. she's legal. ;)

anyhow, just wanted to speak my thoughts about Sarah Palin and her daughter... put my 2cents worth in.



Well-Known Member
I think Sarah Palin is a ticking time bomb. Literally.. I think she could burst at any moment.

Nobody likes the lady.. her daughter is a total slut (kids having kids..) and yet they keep trying to stay on the television by doing desperate shows. I mean have you heard about the new show of hers? It's called "Sarah Palin's Alaska" I believe.

I mean.. who the hell wants to watch her and her family do boring shit all day and hear about their problems and drama and everything else?

Not me and apparently a whole bunch of other people agree with me on that. I mean she's basically "yelling out" "Hey! Look at me. I'm interesting and likable and fun!" She feels like she needs attention.. but not sure how to go about it. The only way she's learned to get attention.. is through the media of television and books. It's quit sad because you can look into her eyes.. and almost feel the negative energy. You can almost see her.. begging for attention.. for someone to notice her.

I'm sure that, that's part of the reason as to why her daughter got pregnant. In order to get all the attention that she wanted, but wasn't sure how to go about getting the attention.. so she figured having a baby at 15 or 16 years of age would do the trick. Well, it did the trick.. only it didn't bring her the positive energy and attention that she was wanting to have.. it only brought negative and bad energy and attention. Plus, it smeared "bad" all over her name and reputation.

Lastly.. even though she's young and she's a slut, I would still hit that. I'd turn that inside-out.. ;) She may have a kid.. and may be a slut.. but she's still hot and as soon as she's 18.. she's legal. ;)

anyhow, just wanted to speak my thoughts about Sarah Palin and her daughter... put my 2cents worth in.

I'm not a Palin fan either but come on! Do you really believe all of this stuff? She doesn't need to scream for attention because she is getting more of it than any one person deserves. Obviously there are some who are interested in her or she wouldn't have a show. I'm sure she's getting paid for it and now that she doesn't hold an office she needs to earn a paycheck. What would you have her do, hang drywall? People like to watch train wrecks. Sarah is a train wreck in slow motion. And that shit about her daughter having a kid to get the spotlight on them???????? Seriously??????? That is not the kind of attention that a conservative needs. As much as the left hates her there are plenty on the right who think she is great. Just my $.02.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think Sarah Palin is a ticking time bomb. Literally.. I think she could burst at any moment.

Nobody likes the lady.. her daughter is a total slut (kids having kids..) and yet they keep trying to stay on the television by doing desperate shows. I mean have you heard about the new show of hers? It's called "Sarah Palin's Alaska" I believe.

I mean.. who the hell wants to watch her and her family do boring shit all day and hear about their problems and drama and everything else?

Not me and apparently a whole bunch of other people agree with me on that. I mean she's basically "yelling out" "Hey! Look at me. I'm interesting and likable and fun!" She feels like she needs attention.. but not sure how to go about it. The only way she's learned to get attention.. is through the media of television and books. It's quit sad because you can look into her eyes.. and almost feel the negative energy. You can almost see her.. begging for attention.. for someone to notice her.

I'm sure that, that's part of the reason as to why her daughter got pregnant. In order to get all the attention that she wanted, but wasn't sure how to go about getting the attention.. so she figured having a baby at 15 or 16 years of age would do the trick. Well, it did the trick.. only it didn't bring her the positive energy and attention that she was wanting to have.. it only brought negative and bad energy and attention. Plus, it smeared "bad" all over her name and reputation.

Lastly.. even though she's young and she's a slut, I would still hit that. I'd turn that inside-out.. ;) She may have a kid.. and may be a slut.. but she's still hot and as soon as she's 18.. she's legal. ;)

anyhow, just wanted to speak my thoughts about Sarah Palin and her daughter... put my 2cents worth in.

If you had a chance to meet her, you might have something different to say :bigjoint: