should sex be a right?

No... If I have a right to sex, then someone has a duty to provide it for me.

See... When it just comes to my rights to speech, religion, to own a gun, own property and things like this no one has to do anything. My rights to these things only require no one act to deprive me of this.

When I have a right to food, someone has to produce it, then surrender it to me for me to eat. Or someone has to earn money, and buy the food from someone who owns it to provide it to me.

This difference is known as positive and negative rights. Negative rights are a zero sum gain. Everyone can have freedom of speech. But with scarce resources like food, it is a right that if I had it would require someone take positive steps to fulfill. You can't have this right with out infringing on someone else's rights to their labors, property, or earnings.

This post is on point and is the crux of the argument. I declare ThickStemz the winner.
When considering what a right is, the points he brought up are valid.

If you could refute his points you would have, but you can't. I'm not shocked.

i don't bother too much addressing a white supremacist who thinks children should be left to starve, except to mock him. i will also mock the other white supremacist who thinks that the original white supremacist makes a good point about letting children starve.

hence why i am mocking you right now.
i don't bother too much addressing a white supremacist who thinks children should be left to starve, except to mock him. i will also mock the other white supremacist who thinks that the original white supremacist makes a good point about letting children starve.

hence why i am mocking you right now.

I don't think children should be left to starve, hence why I've done years of voluntary charity.

I also don't think children should be assaulted by fumes wafting from a Wendy's bathroom. Hence why I am mocking you now, Poopy Pants.
Prostitution should be legal probably would stop a lot of rape. I would rather fuck my wife then the hottest prostitute in the world but some guys can't get pussy like bignbushy.

Just a bit off topic, but if you posted a couple of shots of the wife, we could all decide whether or not to "like" your post or call bullshit. Thanks in advance.
I don't think children should be left to starve, hence why I've done years of voluntary charity.

it is demonstrable that voluntary charity is not enough though, so we're left with all that authoritative and coercive charity, or children starve.

and knowing that you are a big, big fan of 10 year old children, that means we are going to have to rape and enslave a whole bunch of folks. otherwise your victims don't reach the age where you prefer to victimize them.

so what's it gonna be? let your future victims die of starvation before they reach the ripe age of 10, or enslave a whole bunch of folks with those argument winning "positive rights" to "labor property or earnings" that your fellow white supremacist babbled on about?
it is demonstrable that voluntary charity is not enough though, so we're left with all that authoritative and coercive charity, or children starve.

and knowing that you are a big, big fan of 10 year old children, that means we are going to have to rape and enslave a whole bunch of folks. otherwise your victims don't reach the age where you prefer to victimize them.

so what's it gonna be? let your future victims die of starvation before they reach the ripe age of 10, or enslave a whole bunch of folks with those argument winning "positive rights" to "labor property or earnings" that your fellow white supremacist babbled on about?

D. none of the above
D. none of the above

not an option.

there is not enough private charity occurring right now to feed all the hungry children out there.

that means your future victims are gonna starve before they reach the age where you like to victimize them.

the only way for you to make sure these children get to your preferred victimization age of 10 years old is to enslave a whole bunch of folks with those argument winning "positive rights" to "labor property or earnings" that your fellow white supremacist babbled on about.

the ultimate libertarian dilemma, eh slavey McRapeface? let the children starve before you can pedo them, or enslave folks so that you can get your pedo on?

that's a tough one.
not an option.

there is not enough private charity occurring right now to feed all the hungry children out there.

that means your future victims are gonna starve before they reach the age where you like to victimize them.

the only way for you to make sure these children get to your preferred victimization age of 10 years old is to enslave a whole bunch of folks with those argument winning "positive rights" to "labor property or earnings" that your fellow white supremacist babbled on about.

the ultimate libertarian dilemma, eh slavey McRapeface? let the children starve before you can pedo them, or enslave folks so that you can get your pedo on?

that's a tough one.

Your reservoir of false dichotomies is like an Ocean.

Your lame attempt to grab the moral high ground is extinguished by your embracing coercion as a means.

Charity and force are two distinctly separate things. If we were only to focus on the ends we desire and pay no attention to the means used, anything can be rationalized, which is convenient for a person like you, who is bereft of any consistency or moral compass.

When you say "charity" and government in the same sentence you are committing word abuse.

Forcible redistribution and voluntary giving can both satisfy hunger but they get there in two different ways. Sort of like raping your dog vs getting his loving consent. If you raped your dog, you might achieve a happy ending, but it's not as nice as if you cuddle your dog and he tells you he loves you, etc.

Note - I used your dog as an example and don't really think you cuddle with your dog or that he can talk.
I guess I will get back to you when you are ready to have an adult conversation about filing taxes.

I thought this thread was about, is sex a right, now you wanna merge it with tax talk ?


How much do you pay for sex and since who ever gives you a piece is obviously erm "doing charity work" do they claim that charity fuck as a tax deduction?