Herb & Suds
Well-Known Member
Post facts to prove you are honestHigher approval than Obummer. Waaay more entertaining too. Watch him win again.
Post facts to prove you are honestHigher approval than Obummer. Waaay more entertaining too. Watch him win again.
President Trump's approval rating before the November elections has jumped to a higher level than former President Obama's ahead of the 2010 midterms, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. [..] https://thehill.com/homenews/campai...ng-jumps-higher-than-obamas-ahead-of-midtermsPost facts to prove you are honest
Because they choose party over country every time.Why is it that when confronted with questions about conduct or issues, Republicans attempt to change the subject and blame someone else, usually but not always a Democrat for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the matters at hand. Upon becoming a Republican it seems to me that cognitive thinking somehow becomes disabled
Re-election is a lock! Time for you and your buddies to trade blowjobs.President Trump's approval rating before the November elections has jumped to a higher level than former President Obama's ahead of the 2010 midterms, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. [..] https://thehill.com/homenews/campai...ng-jumps-higher-than-obamas-ahead-of-midterms
I notice that you don't use spaces after periods. Where have I seen that before?actually you all look foolish everything you spouted off about collusion was wrong.never said I knew what was in report that's what you all been doing for 2 years..READ what I said.We need to wait 6 months and then we will know more.Actually Muller not Barr said no NO evidence of collusion.and as far as him and obstruction of justice.How can you obstruct when no crime was committed? the Prosecutor (Muller) had to pass that off to Barr.He could not make a recommendation on it that's not Muller's job. like I said stay tuned and let the rest off the story come out.
Good point I forgot about the Republicans beating Obama down even before he was inaugurated and promising to make him a one term PresidentPresident Trump's approval rating before the November elections has jumped to a higher level than former President Obama's ahead of the 2010 midterms, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. [..] https://thehill.com/homenews/campai...ng-jumps-higher-than-obamas-ahead-of-midterms
"Obama's approval rating was reaching a record low in October 2010, just before his party lost a significant number of seats in the House and Senate.President Trump's approval rating before the November elections has jumped to a higher level than former President Obama's ahead of the 2010 midterms, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. [..] https://thehill.com/homenews/campai...ng-jumps-higher-than-obamas-ahead-of-midterms
Good one LOL"Obama's approval rating was reaching a record low in October 2010, just before his party lost a significant number of seats in the House and Senate.
Trump is a historically unpopular president among the general U.S. population, but consistently retains extremely high levels of Republican support. Recent polls have put him at around a 90 percent approval rating among Republicans."
^^ That was taken from your Oct 2018 source. Some would say you're comparing Obama's to Oranges lol
Even as Obama was reaching record lows of approval ratings, he was still within 2% of Trumps best lol..
Why did manafort lie about sharing internal polling data with Russian spies?the facts said no collusion after 2 years.who is it that does not accept the facts.Watch what happens over the next 6 months.let all the info come out.the I.G report is still out there,it will be very interesting.everyone jumped the gun on collusion and now cannot let go of it because they invested to much into the narrative.so lets just wait and see what happens after the other report gets out there.maybe both of us will be wrong on somethings.
NopeHigher approval than Obummer. Waaay more entertaining too. Watch him win again.
I'll bet that you're a huge info wars junkie, aren't you?you mean like the people involved in the uranium one deal.Obama and Hillary.The hostile foreign intelligence being Russia.or maybe the fake dossier paid for by Hillary's campaign, through Russian intelligence.and so on and so on.Oh that's right the collusion was trump and Russia.Except 2 years later and almost 30 million dollars later there was no I repeat none. evidence found on trump.give it up.Cant wait for the I.G. report to come out.Biggest scam in American history.Make America great again Trump.OH by the way collusion is not even a crime.but sending top secret info to Anthony Wieners computer is.Also there is proof Hillary s email was hacked by Russians because she illegally used private server.then bleached bit her computer.oh ya real good person.lied to the family's in the Benghazi incident.In the next 6 months were going to know a lot more.In America we investigate the crime.We are not suppose to investigate people,threaten their friends and acquaintances looking for a crime that has not been committed.If we did everyone would be in jail for something they did somewhere.Most vetted President in American History.(Trump). Bet we could find dirt on you if we spent almost 30 million dollars issued 500 warrants,threatened your friends with jail if they did not say what we wanted them to say even knowing it was a lie ( they wanted people to make a false confession.they even wrote down what they wanted them to say and then use a known lie to destroy someone).NO American should support this.It could be you next.Whats your excuse ?
so did Robert HeinleinI think a 5 year "Public Service" stint should be the prerequisite. Military, Police, Fire etc.![]()