Should my friend hook up with this girl again?


Staff member
Ah! So fake story? Fake picture for true story? Real girl who has gotten caught up in the social media bubble and will have to explain to her 37 grandkids in 40 years how these pictures of their sexually expressive grandma keep resurfacing?
All he has to do is take the metadata off and it's easy too find her
Or image search via google

That's why I think it's tacky to reveal people who may not agree or disagree

Whether or not it n this specific case she is real for this specific story who knows
But people sometimes post about women their fooling around with I still think it's tacky ;)


Well-Known Member
All he has to do is take the metadata off and it's easy too find her
Or image search via google

That's why I think it's tacky to reveal people who may not agree or disagree

Whether or not it n this specific case she is real for this specific story who knows
But people sometimes post about women their fooling around with I still think it's tacky ;)
I do like to read about other people's business on the forums. It's the grade 9 girl in me. But that person should be agreeing to be on a weed website and I'm sure that is not always the case.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like depression. I've passed on a sure thing for the same reasons. I get heavily introverted at times and just don't want to deal with people for any reason. The thought of starting any type of new relationships just seems tiring lately.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like depression. I've passed on a sure thing for the same reasons. I get heavily introverted at times and just don't want to deal with people for any reason. The thought of starting any type of new relationships just seems tiring lately.
Depression can suck my balls. What a terrible companion; Ruiner of parties and sexual adventures. Eat a bag of dicks depression!


Well-Known Member
there's a photo of her in the thread? where?

"difficult to have sex with her"? whoa, I gotta put my all into that one, think about it real hard too. I have some questions though.
1) is she a relative of your friend?
2)have you ever had sex with either of them?
3)have you thought about it?
4)does she look like the last girl he had sex with?
5)did he say why or how the difficulties were overcome while sexing her?
6) does she smell good?


Well-Known Member
All he has to do is take the metadata off and it's easy too find her
Or image search via google

That's why I think it's tacky to reveal people who may not agree or disagree

Whether or not it n this specific case she is real for this specific story who knows
But people sometimes post about women their fooling around with I still think it's tacky ;)
that pic is someone else, swiped form social media, their own fault likely. I see no such pic of ops friend high school chick yet, but hoping soon, before she gets old and pizzed off

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
there's a photo of her in the thread? where?

"difficult to have sex with her"? whoa, I gotta put my all into that one, think about it real hard too. I have some questions though.
1) is she a relative of your friend?
2)have you ever had sex with either of them?
3)have you thought about it?
4)does she look like the last girl he had sex with?
5)did he say why or how the difficulties were overcome while sexing her?
6) does she smell good?
If the answer to 6 is yes, fuck all other questions or reservations, hit it again.