Should I?


Active Member
That's kinda what I been trying to do also. The main stem is so thick already I can't really pull it down to train it and tie it. What should I do? I have been just individually tiring down each limb for training and leaving mains in middle to grow
Should I defoliate any during veg early been plants only not even month old but some these fan leaves are so dam big that they're covering a lot of plant and shadowing allot of lower growth sites
If it's an auto taking to many leaves at one time can stunt her .but if its a photo as soon as she go in to flower I defoliate pretty hard and they seem to take it well .but that's how I do it .you have to find you own feel for the plants I think you're like little experiments each one's different. Good luck


Active Member
Already know just Dan Dan leaves are SO big already. They shading a lot of grow spots. I mean they only lil over a month old maybe still young to be taking from it already I would think. What y'all do when you trying to lst my main stem is far too thick to try bending and tieing down. I been tieing down most lower branches opening up a lot of area
Already know just Dan Dan leaves are SO big already. They shading a lot of grow spots. I mean they only lil over a month old maybe still young to be taking from it already I would think. What y'all do when you trying to lst my main stem is far too thick to try bending and tieing down. I been tieing down most lower branches opening up a lot of area
Yes that's the way .if I do take any leaves off the plant I just do maybe 2 Leaves and I leave her alone for a day before I do it again it gives the plant a little time to recover .I found out growing auto plants the less you mess with them the better but photos are so resilient .when I first starting growing I was out of my mine trying to do some many things to try to make her grow better and all I did was stunned the plant .I got about 3/4 of an oz out of the I get lbs some times