Should I wash?


New Member
Im basically on my last 2 weeks of flower and i just noticed small spots of powdery mildew on the sugar leaves.
I tried to cut out what i could and sprayed them with baking soda & water was going to continue that until i harvest.
Am i good just spraying as long i notice its gone or should i wash too?
Have any good recipes for the mixture. or one you prefer?
I’ve used the following with good results
1/2 cup baking soda & 1/2 cup lemon juice in 5gal water room temp then another 5gal bucket of water with 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide also room temp water and last 5gal bucket with just straight room temp water. Then make sure you get the excess water off with a fan or by shaking them off and even after shaking them off I would put a small fan on them for first 24hrs then dry as normal. If you see any signs of PM on the buds try to remove it before washing.

I used this method today since I wash all my outdoor grown stuff. Lots of crap blowing through the air and as sticky as these plants are everything that seems to touch them sticks like glue.
Ur 2 weeks out? I wouldn't put anything on the buds. Water can cause bud rot especially close to harvest, thats a big reason outdoor wees is full of mold, at least in michigan.
Just cut the leaves off and consider harvesting a week early.
Chances are that the PM will return on your next grow, it's the gift that keeps giving.
I got tired of the battle so I always spray with 4ml/gallon eagle20 2 weeks before I start flowering. It's the only thing that is guaranteed to work. Do not use it during flower.
Another thing to keep in mind is that as the plant dries the PM will become invisible as it also dies. A nice close hand trim and u will be good
You can spray your foliage twice daily with a solution of Bacillus bacteria everywhere on the plant, drench the leaves and especially the areas that have PM. The bacteria will eat the mildew, and will die off once it has done its job.
Make sure you remove anything with mildew on it or wash the affected parts with the bacteria solution.

If you are indoor, you can also leave the plants to be at 100f+ for the last 24-48 hours to kill the Mildew spores the days before harvest. (Some say it is best to harvest after the plant has been in the dark, but I wouldn't risk a long nightperiod if my plants had PM.)

Once you harvest the bud, you clean it with a least three buckets. One with calcium bicarbonate, the other with peroxide or lemon juice, last once just water. I usually do a second rinse using my shower head on the colas after I dunked them in the three buckets. You get super clean bud with a day or two extra of drying (which is a win in my book.)

Gl, I've saved a batch like that before.

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