Should I use Fox Farm Trio Nutes with this soil?


Well-Known Member
hey guys,

i purchased this soil for my grow since it was all i could pick up at the time and i am now wondering if it will be worth the 50 bucks to pick up fox farm nutrients based on the fact that the soil says it feeds for 9 months... would using nutrients cause burn since the soil already has time-release ferts? the mixture i put together was about 65-70% soil and i added 15% perlite and another 15% or so of peat moss mixed evenly.

this is the soil i used as the base:|1

the girls are still in the seed starter cells so if you all think it would be worthwhile i can (even though it would be a bitch) go out and buy fox farm ocean forest and re-mix my materials in order to do it right, which would also make purchasing the FF nutes worthwhile.

thanks, any input is welcome.


Just bought the trio myself literally 30sec ago I'm pumped to see how they affect my grow 10 days right now so by the time it arrives i should be ready to start using them


Well-Known Member
good to hear... i know they are well-respected nutrients, at least from my current understanding that is the idea i have gotten. any idea how it will affect plants in soil with time-released fertilizer though? that is what i'm really curious about

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
that soil isnt going to feed for 9 months... unless you keep transplanting and adding new soil every month or so...
Anyways, you'll be fine with the base that you have. You don't need to dig anything up. As far as adding nutrients, you wont need to for a while. That soil is probably going to give your plants everything they need for a decent length of time (not 9 months). So just give them plain water when they need it. As they get bigger you can start adding some Grow to your feeding regime. Remember that less is more. you don't want to burn em


Well-Known Member
that soil isnt going to feed for 9 months... unless you keep transplanting and adding new soil every month or so...
Anyways, you'll be fine with the base that you have. You don't need to dig anything up. As far as adding nutrients, you wont need to for a while. That soil is probably going to give your plants everything they need for a decent length of time (not 9 months). So just give them plain water when they need it. As they get bigger you can start adding some Grow to your feeding regime. Remember that less is more. you don't want to burn em
+rep, thanks. i already ordered the fox farm trio so that is kind of what i was hoping to hear. it sounded somewhat weird that the soil would actually feed for 9 months but not having the experience to first hand know, i wanted to ask. i was thinking about starting grow big nutes around day 20-25 but i may hold off and see how they do when i transplant from seed starters to the 5 gallon buckets


I used the fox far trio at first and was so happy with the results i count resist so i bought everythibg else. I bought the three 1 lb jugs of open sesame, beatie bloomz and cha ching. I also bought all three new bushdoctor line from fox farms. The kangaroots, mocrobrew, and sledgehammer flush. The beastie bloomz gets added to the mixture mid flowering and realllllyyyyyyy makes the buds larger and more dense. And cha ching is awesome to it really brings out the trics and resin! I am honestly a very happy customer of fox farms. If you dont have the cash for everything i highly sugest at least adding beastie bloomz and chaching for sure. Theyre like 35 $ each but will last multiple harvests bc you only have to use a little if ur already using the base trio that you already have. I also use theyre soil ocean forrest mixed with pro mix. My leaves neverrrr turn yellow with these nutrients. And the ladies are always veryyy happy. Everyone says use 1/4 strength but i followed theyre schedule to the T from the start with AMAZING results!


Well-Known Member
that didn't really address my question but thank you anyway for the input.. i may considering buying that..


Well to answer ur question. No. I bet 85% of the ppl on here would say not to use that soil or anything from lowes. Id make sure theres no fertilizer in there some companys like sta green or scotts potting soils have fertilizer built in and it would burn ur plants when used in combination with nutes.


I wasnt trying to answer ur question. I waas trying to explain to u my results with the same nutes and the soil mix that i used with it.


Well-Known Member
Well to answer ur question. No. I bet 85% of the ppl on here would say not to use that soil or anything from lowes. Id make sure theres no fertilizer in there some companys like sta green or scotts potting soils have fertilizer built in and it would burn ur plants when used in combination with nutes.

yea as i said it "says" it feeds for 9 months which at the least means there IS fertilizer of some kind in it. i'm thinking of starting 1/4 strength fox farm at day 21 well see how it goes.