Should I trim?


Active Member
Hey guys. I've got a blue hash outdoors that's about 4/5 weeks into flowering, buds are starting to get pretty fat and it seems pretty dense. I cut all the side branches when was vegging so it's like one big lollipop right now. The problem is, the buds have kinda made an outer shell, and inside there are a lot of smaller buds that aren't gettting any light because the leaves are so dense, they are almost on top of eachother. Should I try to trim it so some light can hit these smaller buds on the inside?


Well-Known Member
Some outdoors guys I know remove all the inner branches as its growing for that very reason. Removing healthy leaves and branches during flowering can cause stress resulting in herming. All of the plants energy is focused on healing where they were removed and will also slow bud growth. Just cutting a couple wont hurt it, but clearing out for more light may.The best thing to do would be to get some stakes and twine and try to pull the branches away from the middle.
Some outdoors guys I know remove all the inner branches as its growing for that very reason. Removing healthy leaves and branches during flowering can cause stress resulting in herming. All of the plants energy is focused on healing where they were removed and will also slow bud growth. Just cutting a couple wont hurt it, but clearing out for more light may.The best thing to do would be to get some stakes and twine and try to pull the branches away from the middle.
i like this reponse, is a good idea


Well-Known Member
Have either of u trimmed a plant ???
Many times!!!!!! When I first started I trimmed a few during flower and ALL hermied. I wont touch a healthy leaf or branch after veg. Im sure some of you out there remove all kinds of leaves and branches without any hermie problems, but thats all I ever see when it happens.