Should I Trim This Bush Up?


Well-Known Member
Someone in a earlier post said i should trim these up or i will get small buds and not big hearty buds. So can anyone give me any more insight on this cause i have never cut any branches off my babies and dont know if i should so can someone who maybe has any experiance on this comment please?


AMG Power

I wouldn't trim them up. I can already see several bud sites on them, almost looks like you topped them but you stated you have never cut them. I think you should leave them man, you should get some good yeild off a plant that size and with as long as you don't screw up flowering. Plants looks nice an heathy, dont mess with em.

I wouldnt be so much worried about trimming as it looks like you have a foot growing out the base of your palnt in the second picture.


Well-Known Member
lol...dont trim her!!! shes beautiful! no more N for you is it weird i can tell your the same guy who posted in plant problems by your oddly shaped toes?


Well-Known Member
ha ha amg thats funny !!!! I probably should gets some shit 2 fix that foot problem thanx man for the info


Well-Known Member
my last crop i grew was pk and they got so big around i couldnt get my hands around her and never trimmed and got 5 oz off her


Well-Known Member
I would LST, give it some more breathing room. Looking good. Be very very very careful though, the older and thicker the branches are, the less they bend and the more they snap.
I would only LST if your vegging for an other 2-4weeks. Otherwise LSTing right before you 12/12 would be like tying your legs and 1 arm behind your back right before you jump out of an airplane with a parachute. How the hell are you gonna land safely? Same goes if you tie the same hand and legs behind your back the day before for the entire day, you're gonna be cramping up like a fat kid who ate fried chicken right before he went swimming.

LSTing could give you 25-50% more yeild with a bush like that.


Well-Known Member
i just super cropped them 2day and next week i'll probably tie them out 2 givem some more light. Thanx bro


Active Member
that guy in the other post was referring to your terminal bud. this is the main branch that forms a larger bud than the others, some trim off surrounding branches to get a single fat terminal bud, but what your doing is great, with that many branches forming an even canopy you will have many fine bud sites. just train the branches away from each other to make sure light reaches the whole plant. if your gonna trim anything you can trim off some of the low fan leaves on the soil. this lets air flow around the base of the plant and helps prevent pest and disease. another trimming option could be to prune off any small branches underneath your canopy, the ones that dont get any light, in the end small branches shaded from the light produce small sparse buds and the plant could use that energy forming buds on your canopy.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
if u dont like the good taste of rott box, then u havent enjoyed a real meal. rott box is well balanced nutritional suppliment. not to many people know this.
i wont eat pussy unless its been thrashed and im next in the line up. hope this helps.