Should I Transplant?


Well-Known Member
I am currently in the start of the second flowering week. I noticed when I transplanted my biggest plant, that the roots were very cramped. Do the roots need more space, or does it not matter in flowering. The pots the smaller two are in are 3 gallon pots.

Would five gallon pots be okay to transplant in? Or is that too much space, the tallest one is 16", shortest about 8".



Well-Known Member
The roots will take all the space you give them. The key is height space. If you have plenty of room for the plant to continue growing height-wise then sure, plant them in a bigger pot. You'll end up with a bigger plant/flowers.


Well-Known Member
I know peep who transplant during flowering to shock the plant into higher resin and bud production..... so not only will they get bigger they may get stronger...good luck with that bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
never anything wrong with more space.. your leaves could be turning down slightly because of root lock. your yeild will always be better with a bigger pot. i use 7 gal, but i veg for 8 weeks and i like my ladies to spread their legs out wide. 5 gal is an awesome size for pretty much any length of indoor grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help everyone, i transplanted very carefully in to five gallon pots. They should do well. Again i appreciate the advice.