Thank you for being so honest, could this have already contaminated my others?Big time male.
ill just gently and swiftly throw it far as the eye can see. thank youProbably, maybe. Look for any sacks hanging down away from the cluster with a 'star' shape cover peeled back, directly behind the sack. There will be fingers hanging as the sack has opened
If you see anything like that. Too late.
Mist the male plant down with water. Soak him. Mist the rest of the grow room and other plants. Then move it out the room to behind closed doors or in the bathroom. Cut him down and bag it. Tie it off and throw it away. Take a shower and clean clothes after you deal him the end.
ill just gently and swiftly throw it far as the eye can see. thank you
right about now i feel like they all deserve it.Lolololol, you probably pollinated every grow in the neighborhood. The pollen floats for miles.
Ill Google everything you just said so you don't have to explain to me lolEagle 20 that bastard and sell the bud to @HONEYCOMBHILLZ
It's a thread. Forgot the name Eagle 20 and stay away from it.Ill Google everything you just said so you don't have to explain to me lol
LIt's a thread. Forgot the name Eagle 20 and stay away from it.
It's a thread. Forgot the name Eagle 20 and stay away from it.
It's a thread. Forgot the name Eagle 20 and stay away from it.
Shot that idea down quick lol soon as I saw poison
It struck a nerve with lots of folks. You'll see the reference from time to time. There's a lot passion in clean, healthy growing.
sorry bud, wasent trying to kill you, not on purpose anywaysIll Google everything you just said so you don't have to explain to me lol
Lmmfao...he can give me the bud, i dont buy any flowers with seedsEagle 20 that bastard and sell the bud to @HONEYCOMBHILLZ
Lolololol, you probably pollinated every grow in the neighborhood. The pollen floats for miles.