Should i topdress or make tea? plz help... guano,kelp meal and molasses lying around

Hey guys, my plants are on day 5 of flowering and i havent gotten any bottles flowering nutes because i have a bag of pelletized peruvian seabird guano (10-10-2.5), a bag of kelp meal (1-0-2),a 2 pound bag of molasses i got at the organics store and this organic fox farm fert (4-8-5) that i bought a while ago and used for the 1st time ever 5 days ago by topdressing. (The directions are to top-dress ONCE a month....could flowering my plants really be as simple as topdressing once a month?)

So my question is... what would be the best way to use the supplies i have on hand? Should i brew a tea with the guano,the kelp meal and the molasses? or should i just top-dress with guano?...i dont even know if you can top-dress with kelp meal

and what is your opinion on the fox farm fert? seems too damn simple to get good results, no? I imagine the downside of it would probably be the lack of micronutes?... I have a bottle of Microblast i can foliar feed with

Plz help, i cant decide on what to do!


Well-Known Member
The top dress of the FF will do ya. Maybe a top dress with some kelp meal, a tsp or so /gallon of mix.

Perhaps a tea in a couple of weeks. See how it goes.

Thx man, im growing in 5gal smartpots so i just sprinkled 5 teaspoons around each plant... havent watered yet but i will tonight. So how much stuff would you add in the tea? i have an airpump and stone and stuff, just havent gotten to making tea... I was honestly a bit confused on the whole subject because it seems like some people make tea to feed the plants and others claim that the purpose of making tea is for breeding microlife and not for actually feeding? Are there two different types of tea...? like 1 nute heavy tea and 1 tea just to breed the micros?

Id really like to leave the fox farm fert out as it makes my grow cab smell like drying mushrooms and wet fungus... I cant stand it, id much rather smell guano.


Well-Known Member
IDK, never used it as a tea. I do EWC and alfalfa and kelp for tea.

The Peruvian SBG is more of a veg thing and I use it as a long term N&P for my mother plants+a bit of kelp meal.

The FF is really all you need, don't keep piling stuff on, you're good.
