should i throw the towel in?


Hi people, I've come on here for some advice as this is my first grow and unfortunatley my plants look like they've had enough. :(
I will be posting pics soon but in the meantime I would like to give you a quick rundown of the events that led to the problem.

The said plants (white rhino & power plant) are into there 3rd week vegging but have been quite literally cooked by the hps 600w light.
They started out as cuttings and were under a fluro light for a week. They sprouted some lovely roots so repotted using the coco system.
That's when I decided to change to the hps light.

My grow room is a storage cupboard about a metre sq in size with good height.

Straight away the temperature started rising, reaching a peak of just over 35 degrees. I messed around with the extarction fan but no good, so went out and bought a cool tube for the light, but this was a few days later. Temp now is averaging 27 degrees, but looks like the damage has been done. Plants have stopped growing, wilted, gone crispy, and developed white spots. I've been misting them regulary with water and a little feed but 4 days later there showing no signs of improvement.

Like I said pics to follow soon but could the intense heat have done irrervesible damage?

Thanks in advane for any help...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if the 600w light is turned on you do not really want to be misting them with water. the beads of water act like litttle magnifying glasses..

it does sound like you want to start again if they really are that crispy. got any pictures?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, once leaves are damaged beyond a certain poinmt, there is no repairing them. All you can do is wait for new growth. Or, if it's only the top of the plant, you could cut the top section off and let the bottom take over and fill out.


Active Member
If they are still standing then you have little to lose by giving them a few more days to see if they recover. You wont save what's already damaged but watch for signs of new growth. I'd keep that 600HP well above them at this stage unless you have very good airflow. if you're in veg then 18" away is fine, just see if they can recover.

Amazingly hardy plants these! Got any pics for us?


Cheers for the quick response guys. I'm at work at the mo so can't get the pics up till later.

Intresting few points there, in regards to the misting its pretty much all the time when the light is on as
the night cycle is from 9am to 3pm when I'm at work. Come to think of it I did think that the spots were
increasing but this could be a result of the water burning the leaves?

At present I do have the lamp quite high in the room, ever since they started cooking in fact.

Frustrating without pics at the mo but I can say that pretty much the whole of each plant looks affected
by the heat, with some leaves on the bottom of the stem lying flat. Saying that tho the stems do
feel very sturdy, not sure how much this would matter given the cirumstances tho.

Ill get them pis up as soon as I get in, cheers guys


Well-Known Member
You have been watering them, aside from the misting, right? Misting under an HID is never a good idea - yes, those spots will be where the water pooled and the light burned.


No doe eye, not been watering them as they were repotted last week and the pots haven't dryed out yet.
Could this still be done tho?


Well-Known Member
Without seeing the pics, I'd say don't give up on them just yet. If they haven't dried out why are you misting them in the first place?


Purely because of the intense heat they were in for a sustained period of time. The leaves were/are very dry and crispy
so thought this would help them. Could be doing the bloody opposite tho eh?


Well-Known Member
Yep, most likely. Sounds like the leaves suffered from a combination of the heat being too high, and the light being too close. Don't feel too bad, I just had to cut the entire top off one of my girls, burned to a crisp early in flower - never did recover, least not the top - it's fine underneath. That was with a 400w, even. lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
agreed, don't feel too bad :) plenty of time to make mistakes. the key is to plant so many plants that one mistake sets you back nowt :lol: i accidentally heat burnt a massive cola on one of my girls a few months back, very distraught over it but the other 2 plants kept me going :lol:


Okay, took these pics earlier.

Thanks TTT, that gives me hope at least, what do you reckon on the others? The first one is PP and is the most well developed out of the crop.


Well-Known Member
They are green still, and not completely yellow, right? They don't look near as bad as I had imagined. Get the heat under control, keep that light up high enough, they should be fine. No more misting!


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go against the norm, and recommend watering them more often. If you don't think it's a good idea, just pick two or three and try them. Try keeping the soil nice and moist for a few days, and I bet they look better.(as long as the PH problem is fixed) Try watering every other day for like 6 days, and compare the difference with the others. :)


Thanks for the response guys.

So hopefully they can pull through, at least I feel more confident now about the situation. One thing I will say tho, is that colour wise they are a bit
yellow. Is this gonna be a problem?

Pots are starting to dry out now so think ill feed them tonight, then see how they get on with regards to watering some every other day.

Bloody heat is starting to rise again tho, was at 32 this morning. Its been stable since Friday when I put the cool tube in. Might have to put another extraction fan in there.

God this really isn't straight forward >.<