Should I tansplant into larger pots? Third week of flowering FIRST GROW


Active Member
One of my White Widows is about 3ft 4 inches. I think it's in a 3 gal pot.

Seems that I need to water her every 2-3 days to avoid water starvation, I used to water every 4-5 days.

Luckily,she appears to have stopped growing. I am trying to weigh the pros and cons of transplanting, I don't wanna screw up all the hard work I've done nor do I want fuck up
the flowering process.

First pic is size of pot, 2nd pic is most recent pic of her.
Any guidence is appreciated !!!
Oh, she is currently about 6 inches from top of cage.

1101002353[1].jpg downsized_1115001551.jpg


Active Member
id say just let her be :) i trans planted right before flower once and didnt on its sister the one i transplanted put more energe into roots then into the budding and got alot less on her... :) yours look amazing :) can i come over to sitt on that couch.. lol


Weed Modifier
no need to transplant now...and it would not help but probably do more harm than good. transplanting should only be done during veg. don't want to stress her during flower!!!

2-3 days/watering is good....twice a week means more feedings too!!! let her will see!

nice looking girl so far!

those look like 1 gal? they could have been in a bigger pot before....but next time you will know, live and learn.... i think they will be fine. though you will have to water more often.

and more attention oh no.... lol they like it

keep us updated...sub'd


Active Member
Thank you RIU friends !!!! Nothing like some knowledge and reassurance for a fiist time grower. (If you don't count a windowsill attempt 30 years ago)
