Should I take my plant out of the space bucket?


My plant is just starting to flower, but it’s getting a bit cramped and too tall for the space bucket it’s been growing in. I can extend the height of the bucket a bit but there’s nothing I can do about lateral space. This is seriously limiting any light getting to the leaves and buds on the lower part of the plant.
Can I or should I take the plant out of the space bucket to let it spread out a bit? It would get full sunshine for at least 10 -12 hours a day through the skylight window. I could supplement that with the lights from the space bucket lid at night (I’d have to configure them differently). Or should I just leave the whole thing alone and not mess with it?
The pictures attached are of the plant in the bucket without the top on.3D83B548-9C14-4D49-B6CD-EE301C47C2C0.jpegEAC467CC-FB1F-4781-AB8D-EDDCF7156625.jpeg

