Should i take misdemeanor probation or jail time?


Well-Known Member
I was on felony probation and all she did was step a couple feet inside look in the kitchen and the living room asked if i had any weapons and she was on her way. The system here is so overloaded if you went to county you would be out in less than a week due to overcrowding. Im sure the po was in a hurry too so it depends on where you live. I was still growing i just hid it more than usual and moved my stuff out before she came. she never did any surprise visits but i have a camera on the front of my house for surprise visitors anyway.


Dunno whee you are at but in AK. the only time they are allowed to put you on that kind of prob. is for a felony grow or possesion. Misdemeanor violations are sort of "the honor system" probation. if you never been in trouble before then keep outta trouble, and keep on growin!!!! But if there are no conditions on you after themonth of jail, then only you can decide that


Active Member
Contact the NORML chapter in your state. They will give you good advice on the plea and may even have the name of a lawyer who does pro bono for MJ charges.

This is a situation where a small mistake can dog you for the rest of your life. This is not an amateur show. Everybody you are going to deal with is a pro and you will be lunchmeat if you don't get one on your side.

I would borrow the money to get a decent lawyer if I had to.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
yea i got caught with a .04 of crypto. Im not spending 5grand to beat this because it's not worth it.. I would be losing more money then i would make if i did that. On top of that im already a felon so this isn't changing anything.

Take me to jail - goodfellas

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
probobly jail time. that way u can indulge in prison sex if u want too. might be a good way to pass the time. hope this helps.


Active Member
Oy gevalt!

Don't you think it a bit absurd that you ask for advice from a bunch of stoners on the internet but don't want to drop a dime to NORML who might actually know what they are talking about? (although quite possibly as stoned as we are)

Well you are the one on the spot, you know the situation better than anyone. I hope it all goes easy for you and blows over quick.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
zvuv said:
This is not an amateur show. Everybody you are going to deal with is a pro and you will be lunchmeat if you don't get one on your side.
Great advice.I agree 100%.

I would try to deal with it while you can. Your still on the front end of this. Or see what you can knock down or maybe avoid 1 of the 2 charges on some type of technicality... It happens, a lot! I've seen people get out of 2lb felony possession/cross state line trafficking charges on technicalities where the officer wasn't in his right.

Contacting NORML would be a great first step! They are an organization that exists on the sole idea that people shouldn't be arrested for anything to do with cannabis!

Good luck. I've seen many people take their 2 weeks or 30 days or 2 months to avoid 1 year 2 year and 5 year probation... I don't think any regretted it, as it was their life style. Just make sure if you take that route, that OTHER things/labels don't get applied to you.... It could fuck up your future.

Fuck the police.


Well-Known Member
I'd take the jail time cause once your on they got you.To get all the way off you gotta pay all our restituton


Well-Known Member
6 monthes probation.
I dunno how much jail time yet but it will proably be around a month, since my charges are so petty
take the probo get a wisinater ill donate to that if you need help 10 bucks for you no lie just say yes and ill send cash.keep smoken it dude


Well-Known Member
i got a possession of weed and resist w/o violence- fuckin bologna

If i take misdemeanor probation i might have to stop growing because they might do a check up. but i will definetly have to stop smoking.

Or jail time. what would you do?
Jail time. Probation SUCKS ASS. Like SUCKS ASS. Like really it SUCKS ASS. I ran away on it twice as a kid, and once right now. It sucks, had to leave the state I love. And was scared as shit my last 2 mons in her hiding from prob. If you can get off with 1-2 months. Or WEEKENDS in jail DO THAT SHIT. Because probation SUCKS ASS. They not only check your house, but your god damn PISS.


Well-Known Member
I always get all my legal advice from a pot smoking forum, good call.
Legal advice doesn't usually come free. And if you can find someone who was a lawyer, has had enough lawyers, or has been through enough shit to know what the fuck is up with that stuff. Then it's worth listening to. If you can find a chill lawyer OP to give you free advice tough, do it. I know a lawyer that speaks to a NORML at a campus in my home state, and he helps me out.

And BigBuddah : some of it wasn't even legal advice. Like what I said was just opinion about what it is like, and what it is worth. No legal advice whatsoever. A very "nonleagal opinion" if you ask me, that can be used in deciding how to make a legal decision. Like if I had the same thing happen again, I would have that in my head to help me out in my decision making. Because I always thought of jail as a "hell no" and proby as "what you do when you get in trouble" until this last time, when I went to big jail THEN went to court, THEN had probation,THEN got fucked again.

I'm just tryin to help someone out.