hahaha. hells yea bro. a tab of fluff and tron 3d does sound very promising. i may have to give that a try myself.
I did avatar 3d when I didn't know what avatar even was, I just watched a trailer and took the advice from someone here to go see that shit... I ate a gram of aborts (3 hours of visuals from eating .5 when I went snowboarding at a previous time)
Anyway, 3D is amazing on psychedelics. It's more like 4D LOL because you feel like your in the movie, literally, you think your in the movie... when the credits rolled, I kind of forgot I was a person not living on pandora, I was all ready to go jump on my dragon to fly home
Have you ever just eaten one tab? I feel like that will bring on visuals, but at the same time be more similar to a high rather than a trip... I want to keep my composure, and be able to think like I would sober, yet still have intense visuals and repeating fractals in the movie.. I feel like that movie was FOR acid.
If you've never seen
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World on acid, you NEED to do that. I saw this shit on 2 tabs, and I saw it on 4... let me tell you on 4 that is an entirely different movie... for instance the girls hair color changes throughout the movie, and her clothes accent her hair... and then the backgrounds and sets also reflect the color she is currently wearing.. and theres also all this cinematic foreshadowing.. her hair, as well as the backgrounds just constantly radiated colors.. like it cycled through hues...
No clip of this movie explains how good it is, trust me, eat like 2-3 tabs and watch this.. This is a movie SO good, that I would/will watch it EVERY trip and it never gets old.
It's SO funny on acid, it's shot like an acid trip I swear... and that 'movie star' guy from this clip, reminds you of like EVERY movie star.. me and my friends were tripping balls like, 'wait is that mark whalberg? no... i swear i've seen that guy, from some movie, I swear' and we realized that he's
supposed to represent the 'hollywood superstar' and it blew our minds how awesome it was... also the main character randomly flashes into his own mind with trippy video game music and he sees visions...
movie review website said:
There are sequences that are common to comics, but have never been done on film, such as a conversation that will flow through different scenes mid sentence. Most scenes flow from one to the other like panels overlapping by using part of the previous or next scene to connect the two. Scenes are pushed out of frame like a moving comic strip and onscreen text directly ripped from the page are used to transition. Split-screens used for conversations look enirely like panels and the film also visualizes the music and exaggerates sound effects with onscreen text exactly like the comic.
The quote is the best to explain how it's like an acid trip... I'm looking for more clips for you
OP you should watch this movie on acid if you can
I just bought it on Blu Ray specifically for acid trips