Should I Start to Force Flower?

Alright guys help me out on this one...
Should i start to force my plant to flower or let it grow a bit more?
Plant is about 16-17 in. tall
Have never added nutes or anything(tough love)
I want to get a good yield but dont want it to over stretch
Below are some pics



Active Member
It's outside? How are you gonna force flower? Depending on where you live it'll start to flower in a few weeks on it's own. Give it some nutes to increase yield.
Yes its outside...I am going to put a trashcan(new one) or blacks bags over it in L.A..What you recommend?(anything from Homedepot?lol or hydroponics?)


Active Member
Trash can or bags may reduce fresh air. I would let it do it's thing, if at all possible. Fox farm nutes are good for soil, but even home depot's stuff is better than nothing. Is this known genetics or bagseed?
sum kind of kush i know thats for sure...i put a barrel with two bags over it..and put a fan in there it seems to get nice airflow and its dark as hell!
i dont want it to grow so big its already 16-17 inches or alittle flowering i heard that it grows 3xtimes bigger which means 48-51 inches which is 4 feet which is too big for me...and plus i want to harvest this one to focus on my future projects.=]
i dont want it to grow so big its already 16-17 inches or alittle flowering i heard that it grows 3xtimes bigger which means 48-51 inches which is 4 feet which is too big for me...and plus i want to harvest this one to focus on my future projects.=]