Should I start flowing now or wait.


Active Member
Should i start flowering now or wait? the tall one is mazar short is hash spice. Been growing under cfl for about 2 months. Also did i over heat the has spice i have close up pics of some of the top leaves and they look smaller and shriveled.

MY grow blog.

Below the mazar noone else on the forum has grown it.

CIMG1694.jpgCIMG1693.jpgCIMG1695.jpgCIMG1692.jpgCIMG1700.jpgCIMG1698.jpg supposed to be finished product. View attachment 1031842

The hash spice. Whats with the top leaves. shrived. to many nutrets?



Active Member
if thats all the light you got,then yes flower now
Well i was wondering if I should just flower it or make a bigger box and Get a hps setup. But if i flower them now will i get a good yeilld out of them? or is it just way to soon to flower them. They are getting bigger everyday. The light should be good because they are bushing out more. Mazars are supposed to be a very short strain. "short and christmas tree like" from what the site told me.


Well-Known Member
If you are limited for space I would def go ahead n flower now. They look like a good size to do so with. Nice lookin plants btw..


Well-Known Member
Well i was wondering if I should just flower it or make a bigger box and Get a hps setup. But if i flower them now will i get a good yeilld out of them? or is it just way to soon to flower them. They are getting bigger everyday. The light should be good because they are bushing out more. Mazars are supposed to be a very short strain. "short and christmas tree like" from what the site told me.
if you can get the hps,do it.
you will be happy with it.
when flower time comes,you need that light power,hps that is


Active Member
with those bulps,waiting longer is a waste. cant force them to making buds all over with no food(light)..nice vegging bro. flower NOW,or you may ending up topping your plants 4 yield...
As long as your plants have several nodes you can flower. Induce flowering with the fact in mind that plants could potentially triple in size during flowering. The longer you vegetate, the larger the yield, in theory. Improvise with respect to your grow space and desired yield.