Should I start flowering?


Active Member
Moving this from indoor to general, hoping for an answer. this is my first grow, details can be found here

but here's the question, my plants are showing sex, 2/3 are anyways

Super Skunk

White Widow

and this is the third, not showing sex.

Master Kush

I've heard they shouldn't show sex until they are into flowering... so should i put them onto 12/12? I wasn't planning on starting 12/12 for 12 more days.


Well-Known Member
Well i just flowering mine at 10 inches...but you can flower at any time....the best time is 12 inches i think and it depends on how big you want them...


Active Member
I also flower at 12 inches it will at least double in size, the super skunk could be up to 4/5 feet when finished. I always start to flower at 12 inches sometimes less depending on the strain


Active Member
what you are seeing is pre-flowering. it can apear also befor changing the light schedual. i don't think it will harm if you wait a few more days, let get a bit stronger, nor will it harm if you change now to 12/12. its up to you.