should i smoke a j schizophrenic

Hello peeps of the world, im thinkn of smoking a j, atm im smokin a bowl or a joint every fortnight but i feel like smoking a j right now only thing is im trying to space my seshions out coz i have schizophrenia but iv just got the approval from my mum to smoke but still want to keep it at once every fortnight any schizophrenics that smoke weed can u answer my question seriously please peace happy tokin
The fuck you keep sayin fortnight for?
LMFAO same thought exactly .....Quiz if anybody should know the answer to your question you asked above it's you ...there's obviously other drugs involved here with homeboy.....I mean fortnight maybe he builds a fort in his room and smokes certain nights of the week ....I believe he dropped the word mum in there to ....I say he smokes the joint but first you give him a great recipe to go along with it we all know your the king of all mind altering substances and could make his fortnights even more special....
Hello peeps of the world, im thinkn of smoking a j, atm im smokin a bowl or a joint every fortnight but i feel like smoking a j right now only thing is im trying to space my seshions out coz i have schizophrenia but iv just got the approval from my mum to smoke but still want to keep it at once every fortnight any schizophrenics that smoke weed can u answer my question seriously please peace happy tokin

u need to sit down and talk to your mom and tell her

look mom there are tons of different breeds of weed alot of them do different ppl out in alot of ways i need to find the strain that works for me

so this smoking only every 2 weeks does not work be like taken a 4 hour pill once every 2 weeks .....what the hell is the point

give me time to find what works for me and i will keep it low or grow my own of that strain