Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

Personally, Id save your money and just ride the A&B to the end. It says its for the whole cycle so see how it goes. Then if you arent satisfied add a bloom booster next round. Ive done just fine with full cycle nutes like Veg+Bloom. A bloom booster can help but its not like you wont get bud just doing what your doing.

As for the meters, Im no help. I never really used them. These days I grow in ammended peat and top dress so theres no need. And when I was mixing nute solutions I was just winging it. I seem to have a knack for that though, certainly not suggesting it for everyone. Im a big fan of tailoring your grow to your personality rather than visa versa. I find measuring and monitoring tedious, so I try and grow in ways that dont need it. Im sure my plants would be more consistent if I did, but thats not me, and my end product is plenty good enough for me and my friends. Beats the dispo boof for certain.
Yeah Im the same way except I tend to bugger things up if I do them my way lol. I seemed to do just fine when I was younger and grew seeds from the bottom of the bag but this time with autos it's been very different. I'm only really growing now not really to smoke but to make the CBD oil for medicinal purposes so I am trying to get them to bud up as much as I can but like you say they will probably do fine without all the extras. Knowing me I'll probably end up smoking quite a bit anyway but I'm going to try make the oil coz quite a few of my family members are sick with things that the oil will help with. Next time I'm growing normal photoperiod Kandy kush CBD so that will be interesting. I'm more familiar with photos but even then it's been years, the autos threw me a bit so I lost confidence. Photos seem to grow easier. I've never heard of amended peat with top dress before I'll have a look into it for next time, can you use that for indoor grow? It sounds good. I've seen the super soil mixes on the market but don't know enough about it. I think I'll definitely do better with the kandy kush with all the tips and tricks you guys on here have given me. So instead of getting the EC meter like you say I'm going to just get a digital ph meter that way I don't have to keep mucking around with the drops, they are a good but it just takes longer and not quite as easy to read. I always worry the colour is too bright or too dark. I'm glad you said that about the EC n what not because those EC meters are bloody expensive to get anything decent. Thanks very much again for all your help and support
Yes, a PPM/TDS/EC meter is simply measuring electrical conductivity which is directly proportional to the salinity.
Oh right I see, I'll definitely have to do some more homework on it. Its almost like a foreign language to me so even trying to read up on it was hard when I don't even understand the basics of it. I'll get there. Thanks for that, makes a bit more sense to me now.
I've never heard of amended peat with top dress before I'll have a look into it for next time, can you use that for indoor grow?

Yeah, absolutely, thats how im using it. Theres still a learning curve for sure, ive found it a little harder to dial in than watering in nutrients, but it fits my grow style. I'm currently using ProMix HP+ with added perlite, Worm Castings and Gaia Green 4-4-4 then dressing with Gaia Green Flower nutes. Im honestly still getting the hang of it. Premixed super soil was the easiest to me but its just so expensive, at least where I'm at. Basically my advice is dont be afraid to expirement and dont buy anything in bulk until you know you like a method lol. I have an entire shelf of nutrients I didnt like at this point.

And dont get me wrong, EC meters can be very helpful, especially in straight hydro. Part of how I got away from using them was by selecting nutrients that were very simple and consistent like Veg+Bloom, Jack's or MegaCrop. V+B even self adjusts pH if you choose the right line for your water. There are definitely lines that will push yield further and maybe squeeze some extra trichs out, but I always get myself in trouble when I overcomplicate things in the pursuit of perfection.
Yeah, absolutely, thats how im using it. Theres still a learning curve for sure, ive found it a little harder to dial in than watering in nutrients, but it fits my grow style. I'm currently using ProMix HP+ with added perlite, Worm Castings and Gaia Green 4-4-4 then dressing with Gaia Green Flower nutes. Im honestly still getting the hang of it. Premixed super soil was the easiest to me but its just so expensive, at least where I'm at. Basically my advice is dont be afraid to expirement and dont buy anything in bulk until you know you like a method lol. I have an entire shelf of nutrients I didnt like at this point.

And dont get me wrong, EC meters can be very helpful, especially in straight hydro. Part of how I got away from using them was by selecting nutrients that were very simple and consistent like Veg+Bloom, Jack's or MegaCrop. V+B even self adjusts pH if you choose the right line for your water. There are definitely lines that will push yield further and maybe squeeze some extra trichs out, but I always get myself in trouble when I overcomplicate things in the pursuit of perfection.
Wow that sounds quite involved but also it sounds like it's pretty chill way of doing it when you get the hang of it. There's so many different ways of doing the soil, I guess trying some out and seeing what fits is best. I think the super soil I can get here is fairly decently priced simply because the supplier that makes the bio diesel super soil is literally in the next suburb to mine so that's probably why, surprisingly there's a few suppliers around here of hydro stuff designed for mary jane even though growing is illegal, stupid nanny state. Lol that's good advice not to buy soils in bulk till you know you like it, I've made that mistake already last year cost me a small fortune but luckily I was able to use it to save other plants that my mum was basically murdering. I ended up getting the flowering nutrients from the professor's because they mix in with the A&B I have, honestly I think I just wanted an excuse to go to the hydroponic store again. They have only had the flower boost once so far so will have to see how it goes. I'm getting the digital ph meter on friday literally so I don't have to keep testing with the drops then re testing and rinsing everything, takes me at least an hour to mix up my nutes lol. I feel like it's not meant to take that long. I'm giving the EC meter a miss for now for sure. Ph is probably more important for me to get right at this point. I also eded up practicing my pruning on one plant and leaving the other to see how it goes. Still trying to get the humidity down too, because it's so humid here at the moment it's hard to get it down even with both the inline fan on high and the oscillating fan on. May have to do something more drastic like a small dehumidifier when they start to bud up otherwise I might get bud rot, that would suck. Also the perlite on the top of the Coco is going a little green on the smaller plant, that's probably algae isn't it? If so is there something I should do about it or is that nothing to worry about? Thanks man (:


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