Should I remove sucker leaves from my plant during Flowering?


Active Member
Hey guys-

Quick question to the team, I have a Northern Lights that is almost 1/2 way thru the flowering cycle, and I was curious if I should carefully remove the sucker leaves from the plant. By sucker leaves, I mean the large fan leaves that are connected to the main stalk. Not the ones connected to the branches. This s something I read a while back, so I wanted to run it by the community to see if its true.

My plant is extremely healthy and green, terrific shape.

Just curious.


Big Ragu

Total Head

Well-Known Member

on pot forums those are generally referred to as fan leaves or shade leaves. if you search you will find several threads where the debate rages on. and i do mean RAGES. it never ends, and people on both sides are passionate about their belief of trimming or not trimming these leaves.

i do not personally believe in removing fan leaves.


you are misinformed, instead of those leaves sucking away valuable nutrients from the buds, when you actually chop the buds and hang them they will suck the nutrients out of the fan leaves making your end product better, if a marijuana plant needs to get rid of some of its leaves they should turn and fall off on their own...


Active Member
Awesome. Thanks for the help guys! I think I'll leave them on (even though I trimmed like 6 before I posted this thread- hah).


Well-Known Member
the lower banches that dont get light should be removed not the fan leaves because they will produce more for energy for the good well lit bud sites but the fan leaves give energy to the plant


Well-Known Member
No, with that said when they begin to turn very yellow one at a time and dry tip on the end I prune. Remember to cut it up by the leave and leave the little branch hanging it will die and fall off on its own. If you cut clost to stock you run the risk of infection to the plant.

Good luck