should i remove fan leaves during final flush?


Well-Known Member
my first grow i cut off fan leaves, now i cut off lower bud sights.

you can't have your cake and eat it too, you're going to have fluffy popcorn buds at the bottom if you leave them on or you are going to have fluffy buds all over if you cut them off, oh the dilemma.

try doing more plants with less veg and you won't have the problem, having more plants to care for with less window for making mistakes makes you a better grower FAST,


Active Member
The lower buds will grow the same whether a fan leaf is over it or not. The buds don't contribute to photosynthesis that's what the leafs are for. Their the solar panels, your plant is the factory and your bud is the final manufactured product.

Now obviously if the leaves are unhealthy get em out of there and if it really bothers you to have your bud sites covered by a leaf why not just tuck it under the branch instead of hacking off healthy pieces of a plant. I know that farmers don't practice removing healthy leaves off of there tomato plants, or any plants for that matter. MJ isn't all that different from other plants.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The lower buds will grow the same whether a fan leaf is over it or not. The buds don't contribute to photosynthesis that's what the leafs are for. Their the solar panels, your plant is the factory and your bud is the final manufactured product.

Now obviously if the leaves are unhealthy get em out of there and if it really bothers you to have your bud sites covered by a leaf why not just tuck it under the branch instead of hacking off healthy pieces of a plant. I know that farmers don't practice removing healthy leaves off of there tomato plants, or any plants for that matter. MJ isn't all that different from other plants.

With every new crop of newbies comes this tired age old question. Shows you how little new growers know about botany. Sure as hell are clueless when it comes to photosynthesis! If one doesn't understand the function of a leaf, they shouldn't be growing.

Lower bud sites have smaller yields, less bulk, not because they are shaded by leaves. It's because of the influence of apical dominance and the fact that they were produced last during the life cycle of the plant. You can increase yields quite well by taking off the big colas when they are ready and putting the bottom half of the plant back under the lights to bulk up those bud sites. Gotta have leaves at those lower levels though and that's where most folks fail.

Use the Search engine people, the removal of fan leaves has been discussed a million times at this site!

Now, just in case someone STILL didn't get it, try to keep as many fans leaves healthy and green right up to harvest as you can.



Active Member
I started out with gardening as a child and then started growing MJ a few yrs ago, I was amazed in how different people think MJ is compared to other plants, like it's some magical plant or somethings.

Now, just in case someone STILL didn't get it, try to keep as many fans leaves healthy and green right up to harvest as you can.

BTW I love this, When I first started growing everyone told me to flush my plants to rid of any chemicals and essentially starve out my plant causing it to canabalis on it'self thus causing the leafs to turn yellow and wither and die up untill the end. I did 3 seperate indepth flushing experiments, and the results were as expected, irradic and subjective to the person (talking about the effect on taste). I have never been a fan of taking wonderful care of my plant just to hold back nutrients in what I consider one of the most crucial phases of the bud plant (the last few weeks) And from my experience gardening I never want any of my cucumbers, tomatoes or anything for that matter turning yellow and withering away once it's fruiting. Healthy Plants = Healthy Fruit/Flowers.

Healthy and green all the way up to harvest... amen.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I started out with gardening as a child and then started growing MJ a few yrs ago, I was amazed in how different people think MJ is compared to other plants, like it's some magical plant or somethings.

BTW I love this, When I first started growing everyone told me to flush my plants to rid of any chemicals and essentially starve out my plant causing it to canabalis on it'self thus causing the leafs to turn yellow and wither and die up untill the end. I did 3 seperate indepth flushing experiments, and the results were as expected, irradic and subjective to the person (talking about the effect on taste). I have never been a fan of taking wonderful care of my plant just to hold back nutrients in what I consider one of the most crucial phases of the bud plant (the last few weeks) And from my experience gardening I never want any of my cucumbers, tomatoes or anything for that matter turning yellow and withering away once it's fruiting. Healthy Plants = Healthy Fruit/Flowers.

Healthy and green all the way up to harvest... amen.
If it's stupid and makes no botanical sense, you'll find it right here amongst cannabis growers.

Blind leading the blind......