Should I put these under 400W MH?


Active Member
Hey everyone this is my first post ever here. I am about to start a journal as well and would love everyone to check it out links coming soon. Here is what I have now and I am wondering if I should put any under my HID 400W MH?
Here they are:20120617_012858.jpg20120617_012906.jpg20120617_012619.jpg

I really just want to know peoples opinions on HID lighting and being to high light spectrum or too much light for seedlings like this? If they are I will wait. Also yes I realize I should not be using tapes but it is what I have for now lol!


Well-Known Member
Yes. The stronger the light in veg the tighter the nodes = big fat buds. Growing is as difficult or easy as you wanna make it. More light = more bud, dont overfeed or overwater, learn to read your plants. Dont panic about a few yellow leafs(its a weed, hardy plant)Dont chop early(beginers mistake,Ive done it) Too much TLC is a bad thing. lol


Well-Known Member
People will say oh, I think it is too much light..but I mean unless the bulb is too close and it is just burning them, then it is almost never "too much" Overwatering and too early use of ferts are the number one issues I see newer growers have...and also my number one issue when I was a new grower.


Active Member
On my current first grow i went with a 400W MH, put them in soon as they sprouted.
Minor nutes and bam!
clone 001.jpg
Just put these girls into flowering, fingers crossed things will continue positively.


Active Member
On my current first grow i went with a 400W MH, put them in soon as they sprouted.
Minor nutes and bam!
View attachment 2216901
Just put these girls into flowering, fingers crossed things will continue positively.
How long did you wait before you put those into flower?? What do you grow in like how much space? Ventalation? Nutes? Also are they feminized?


Active Member
How long did you wait before you put those into flower?? What do you grow in like how much space? Ventalation? Nutes? Also are they feminized?
The plants range from 4-5 weeks of veg, just put them into flowering today.
Got a 4ft long 4ft wide 3ft deep box i built.
6' inline fan sucking air from outside box through the cool tube then back into the box, with outtake fan on top, 2 circulating fans inside.
I am using Botanicare Power Plant nutes.
Yes all feminized, they better be anyway!