Should I pull this plant?


Well-Known Member
I'm growing a few assorted plants under a 600w light, and since germination, I've had issues with one plant in particular. Full disclosure: I'm a novice grower, first time coco grower, but I have a nice grasp at what needs to be in check for a successful plant. That said, since the beginning I had a feeling I was gonna have a problem with this plant. Long story short, I germinated 2 Feminized Big Buddha Buddha Tahoe's along with a few other seeds. Only one of the BBBT's popped, and quite slowly at that. Since "birth", it's been slow going, horrible at accepting nutes, and just an all around stunted plant. Floppy, thin leaves on new growth - waxy, hard, heavy fan leaves... Now, on day three of flower (after all other plants have shown preflowers for 2+ weeks), it looks like she's finally preflowering... male preflowers. Now, they aren't DEFINITELY male preflowers, but they sure as shit aren't pistils like I have on my other ladies.

I'll post a few more pictures of her as the flowering cycle progresses (obviously yanking her/it as soon as I see a banana or ball), but I just wanted to get everyone elses opinions, and also wanted to warn everyone about how shit these seeds are. So what do you think? Even if she turns out to be female, is she worth holding onto? I think it's a lost cause.

Word to the wise: steer clear of Big Buddha's Buddha Tahoe (and after reading the thread on this strain, Swerve is quite a douchebag too... nobody I'd consider buying seeds from). Hell, G13 Labs, which i was weary of, ended up producing the strongest plant in the bunch. Don't believe the hype.

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Here's a link to my journal just so you can see the comparison to the other strains: The Critical + was germed about 3 days after the Buddha Tahoe and is currently twice as tall.


Well-Known Member
If you think it's male, it's growing like a dud and never was right best to cut ur losses n pull it
Good points all around. Probably best just to ditch it and grow the other ladies out to their full potential. Just wanted to make sure that it was appropriate protocol :D


Well-Known Member
it could of hermie'd, I don't know if I'd ditch it quite yet, but that's your call. I'd be sure and see what develops more clearly . no pollen will pop out unless you mess with the sack should they actually materialize.. but if you got $20 bucks to throw away better safe then sorry..


Well-Known Member
sounds like a runt i think your other ladies could better utilize the extra space more efficiently i say get rid of it or move it away to a different area to grow a little longer if it is a male careful of the sacks busting

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
it could of hermie'd, I don't know if I'd ditch it quite yet, but that's your call. I'd be sure and see what develops more clearly . no pollen will pop out unless you mess with the sack should they actually materialize.. but if you got $20 bucks to throw away better safe then sorry..
Your not alone with this type of story....almost will end up with a weak plant or in some cases more then one....whether its regular seed or fem seed. I am a bit spoiled because my seed inventory is quite extensive and I always germinate over because I know that there are going to be some that are either weak or end up morphing in some way......I always remove the ones that are progressing to slow or are growing a little funky. I would prob get it out of there. Just another point added towards cloning but for many that is not an option as you need the space to keep mama.......


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice everyone. After today I'm 99% sure it's a herm/male, so to the compost heap with it. As much as I hate pulling a plant, I'm not about to let it ruin my other ladies.