Should I plug up my exhaust fan for Temperature or Humidity?


Active Member
Hey guys,
Bought this humidity/temperature controller off Amazon and thought that it would control BOTH of in regards to powering my fan. However, after hooking everything up and setting Humidity/Temp I noticed that there were 2 places to plug into. Work 1: For Humidity Work 2: For Temperature. So was wondering which one I should plug in the fan to, the one for controlling humidity or the one for controlling the temp?

Was also wondering if I should return it. It really has been a hassle setting it up and doing a test run for an hour to see if its a) accurate (setup another humidity/temp monitor next to it) b) Is keeping the fans on so it stays at ~80 degrees Fahrenheit. I'll keep you guys posted


Well-Known Member
If it was me, Id have temp as the exhaust fan.
Humidity as intake fan. (but youd really need to have the intake ducted to some where dry.)


Active Member
If it was me, Id have temp as the exhaust fan.
Humidity as intake fan. (but youd really need to have the intake ducted to some where dry.)
Thanks man, I've been thinking about getting a intake fan but its a small veg tent 2'x2'x4' and have a 6" 240 CFM exhaust fan. I've been playing around with it with my 230W CFLs on and it seems like the fan is always on, keeping the tent at about 81 degrees Farenheit and 30% Humidity (no plants inside, so no water for there to be humidity at this point). What I am worried about is that if the exhaust fan is always on, wouldn't that lower my humidity drastically?

Edit: Plugged it into the temp controller for about 30 mins*


Well-Known Member
That its 30RH you must live some where dry.
At mine its normally around 60-70% in room with no plants after a good airing out.
I have to run dehumidifier full time to just keep it at 40-50%. If I dont empty it enough and it stops for a hour RH quickly gets to 80%.

I have 2X 4inch exhaust though carbon filters.
1X 3.1 inch intake.
3.5X4X5 tent/room.

So using intake to control humidity for you will work well.
You may need to mist a little bit at the start but once your plants fill up your space there shouldnt be any issue keeping enough humidity.


Active Member
That its 30RH you must live some where dry.
At mine its normally around 60-70% in room with no plants after a good airing out.
I have to run dehumidifier full time to just keep it at 40-50%. If I dont empty it enough and it stops for a hour RH quickly gets to 80%.

I have 2X 4inch exhaust though carbon filters.
1X 3.1 inch intake.
3.5X4X5 tent/room.

So using intake to control humidity for you will work well.
You may need to mist a little bit at the start but once your plants fill up your space there shouldnt be any issue keeping enough humidity.
Thanks man, actually had it in the humidity plug lmao. Damn chinese manufacturer put #2 ahead of #1 making it confusing. Plugged in now set at 80 degrees Farenheit, with a differential of 4 degrees. So hopefully the fans will just turn on when it gets over 84 degrees (AND VOILA right as I typed that it went on) :D Cheers


Active Member
Also wondering, since the exhaust fan is sucking up the humidity, how would an intake fan act as a humidifier? I live in SoCal so it is extremely dry here, wouldn't it be just sucking in more air thats unhumidified?


Well-Known Member
Would act as dehumidifier.
So only come on when exhaust isnt doing enough of a job.
Which in your case wont be until they have gotten big.

Only way for it to act as a humidifier is to use that plug to turn a humidifier on.

Plug can be set so it turns on either at above your setting or below your setting.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Does it power the humidifier plug on a drop below or above humidity set-point? If you turn the humidity setting higher does it power up?


Active Member
Does it power the humidifier plug on a drop below or above humidity set-point? If you turn the humidity setting higher does it power up?
Has an option for both humidifiers and dehumidifiers. Only set up temp side atm, but can most likely configure a fan to turn on at x% humidity.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
If it can be set up for on at either rise or fall then yup to increase humidity you would need a humidifier but to dehum just have it bring in more air (cooler, drier). I would just use extraction, if you use intake there is a possibility you would pressurize the room and send odours out without filtering them through any cracks.