should I let her keep growing?

It has been 57 days since i switched my plant into 12/12 w/ 2700k CFL's.

About a week ago I accidentally broke the top cola. Since then she has progressed and seems to be doing alright. Im curious if she will continue to bud or if she is about done. This is my first grow and I know I should be using a 10x magnifier to seen the tric's but right now I don't have one. What do you think?

My friend has feminized seeds he bought and I am anxious to start over but on the flip side I started this project late may and I figure why waste all my time and harvest early if more bud will be produced. After all its my first grow and I know each strain differs from each other in flowering times/potency. I also know its a good time to harvest out door plants in early-mid October if im correct. Which gives it a much longer flowering time right?

She is bag seed btw (if you cant tell) She has also been transplanted 5 times lol. I think I did alright for my first grow. I just don't have the experience to know when then plant is at its peak. Below is a link to a gallery of a bunch of pics I took today. One of them is of a small bit of bud that I got off the cola when it broke and I dried it. It got me high but not for very long. That has me questioning if im too far in or not far enough. Also I am using miracle grow soil and i bought some miracle grow bloom booster stuff. I know its not good to use miracle crap but its too late now. She is in her third week of the food and today would be the day to feed her. Should I keep feeding for a few more weeks and then flush? Or should I just stop now? the cola tasted like crap and im assuming its the food. Inputs plz

Don't worry guys, I plan on doing it with the right soil and nutes next grow I just wanted to see if I could actually grow pot. It worked and for now I am happy

Also I have a problem with temps in my pc box. straight tropical temps. I've cleaned it out a bit and temps avg around 85-95. I've seen her around 105 before lol. If I take the side door off the temps get lower but then I wonder if im sacrificing light. Not to mention stealth. Im sure this has a major influence as I know 79-80 is where I want it. I plan on a major overhaul with this box as I now see its flaws.

Just a few questions. Thanks!



Active Member
It looks like your plant has at least 1 more week to go maybe 10 days, but it looks close to being done. To answer your other questions yes your def. sacrificing your light by removing your door. Your probably loosing at least a 1/3 of your reflected light which you need. Depending on where in your place you got your grow you maybe def. be taking you stealth away, but if its not near any widows or somewhere your neighbors can see it then I wouldnt worry about that. If it is somewhere it can be seen Id def. put that door back on, not only to hide it but to get your light reflection back. I dont like my tent to get over 85 anything over 90 is too hot. Maybe you can get something like a computer fan and install a intake fan and a out take fan, there inexpensive, small and work pretty good for small spaces like that.
i have 4 exhaust fans in it. i was told to not have an intake as all it would do is swirl the air around. i want this plant to be done so bad so i can start fresh and work out the heat issues etc, but i dont wanna sacrifice some extra bud even if it sucks lol.
here are the fans. the front has two exhaust, the rear has one exhaust on top on the piece of wood i put to make a seperate chamber for the stealth look (back of case) and to keep light in/out.

here is the case

and i guess its small because i just kept burying the stem every time i transplanted it.

these three pics show from veg to flower in a weeks time, the first being when i first started growing it. it stayed liek a small palm tree forever and blew up when i changed the light bad i trimmed the shit out of it, prolly coulda yeilded more and better bud. it was looking good for a while. maybe the heat or miracle crap food got to it :(

i had 3 in one pot and 2 turned out to be males, this pic was taken on the day i transplanted her 8/4/10

this pic was taken on 8/20/10

and this one on 9/11/10

i have a feelin that ucking miricle bloom booster shit fucked shiz up. could also be my stupidity where i tried to LST it with a zip tie choking the main cola which eventually caused it to root rot and fall off lol. that was last week and here is the bud i got from it

ok so i cut the plant and the official wet weigh in w/ stem and buds is...........



7.1 g

lol...better luck next time :)

and after she finally got dry. she's just about done curing and gone. here's what i got left.

it tasted really bad at first. then it tasted REALLY good, all of a sudden it doesn't anymore. its not bad. nice and buzzed for a few hours just like midis except tasted and looked better. i now understand home grown. its a shame we cant grow this plant ourself so we dont have to smoke weed pressed into bricks when we're strapped for cash. or at least grow some decent bud like i did out of a brick bag. after all it is weed.

to finish up this post/ending journal i wanna talk about a man i met that mentioned how some of the weed we smoke everyday (except hybrid shit) can be ages old. who was the first person to grow a seed producing plant and begin to move it around the country. i never thought about it like that. the weed that i grew could have been first grown 30 years ago when the first grower got the seed. its like a family tree. incredible isn't it? happy growing :)