Should I kill this frankenplant and it's clones?

Should i discard this Frankenplant and it's clones?

  • Discard just the mother plant, but keep the clones

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This thread builds upon my last thread, which could e found here:

If nothing else, just look at the photos from November in the first post to see what it started with.

These are them now:

5326 (3).jpg5326.jpg5326 (1).jpg5326 (2).jpg5325.jpg5325 (1).jpg5325 (2).jpg

I started four plants from seeds from four different stains. Three feminized ones and one regular. This one in question is feminized, if it matters. It's "Iced Grapefruit". Haven't got to try it for obvious reasons, but it's smells great.

Anyway, I had two blows to my grow. Firstly, I wasn't watering deeply enough. Over time the fertilizers must've built up in the soil and/or the pH was was off and the growth for all the plants slowed to a halt. It took a couple weeks, lots of flushing aand some fox farm boomerang treatments, but they all recovered. Also, I did not have the timer set appropriately, so they were only getting 14 hours of light (maybe 14.5). The iced grapefruit plant closest to my camera with infrared sensors started budding. I'm theorizing it was because those deep red leds anyway. So this thing was too small to bother isolating alone in a flowering setup, so I fixed the timer and upped it to 18 hours a day. I know over time it would go back to vegetating, but I had no experience with that firsthand. It also now had some bud on it. The plant was scrawny and I was worried cutting it off might be too traumatic for it, so I left it on. Flash forward a couple months and here we are. I posted some update photos and some users were worried about plant and suggested I destroy it for fear it might herm and pollenate the neighbor plants - a valid concern.

I have some questions. I understand stress during flowering could trigger survival mode (ie hermaphrodite traits) and self pollenate. Going into flower and then back to veg (which is unnatural for the plant) has to be stressful and the other issues don't help. However, it's doing well now and im doing a couple months of vegetative growth before putting it into flower. Would it most likely herm from stress in the flowering phase only or would the trauma from earlier in its life during the vegetative stage rear it's ugly head later on?

Also, I took clones from all the plants, this one included. They've sitting in an aero cloner and they've popped roots. As they're clones they're identical to the mother plant. Would they be just as likely to have problems? Should I scrap them too?

And while it's not exactly applicable here, I'm curious if that stress and trauma would transfer to seeds. Is stress in one lifetime enough to mess up a lineage? More of a hypothetical.

Thank you
If you have nothing else to replace them with may aswell let em go. When thwy fully reveg they will have billions of shoots & will need to be pruned back hard to regain any sort of manageable form. The clones from a stressed out mother will be stressed out & likely to herm. Seeds from a self polinated herm will likely be herm. Not sure if you asked this but problems have all stemmed from the timer being set wrong. Me personally would scrap them all & start over
They are just revegging. Don’t throw them. They will come back. The better your light the faster they come back.
If you have nothing else to replace them with may aswell let em go. When thwy fully reveg they will have billions of shoots & will need to be pruned back hard to regain any sort of manageable form. The clones from a stressed out mother will be stressed out & likely to herm. Seeds from a self polinated herm will likely be herm. Not sure if you asked this but problems have all stemmed from the timer being set wrong. Me personally would scrap them all & start over
It was for sure the timer. I simply set it up wrong and it didn't have sufficient light on time. This is above and beyond the discussion, but hypothetically if this plant were pollenated normally by a male do you think the seeds created would be more likely to herm? I'm learning towards scrapping it. It's upsetting, but it would be worse if I left it and it compromised the other three plants.
I never ever felt sorry for a plant....until now.
Right? I feel like it let her down in a big way.
They are just revegging. Don’t throw them. They will come back. The better your light the faster they come back.
I want to, but I'm worried about it compromising the other plants if it starts spitting pollen.
It won’t reveal its secrets ‘til you smoke it...which is kinda the bizness
I'm not sure I follow, but I respect the enthusiam. It smells great. I'd smoke some of what's on there now, but I don't know if it'd make me sick and I'm not the desperate. I do want to try it someday. I've got two other seeds, if I start it soon I can have it for the spring or summer.

Thanks for the input everyone.