Should i kill these plants and restart?


The last week i been having a really bad problem and can't find the cause of it :(
The new growth has been thinning, bottom leaves have turned yellow, plants drooping.
I'm wondering if this has stunted growth, if so will this affect my yield? Even if i vegged longer so they can repair properly?
I'm really puzzled to what this problem is i thought it was over watering but i cut down the last week and they look like they have not healed.
I will be correcting the ph properly from tomorrow as i'm using drops to work out the ph at the moment.
Any advice?



Active Member
Cant tell what size pots, what kind of soil, what kind of nutes, what kind of lighting? Give us a hint

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
i say dont kill them. i dont know what the problem is but im sure youll figure it out with some reserch. if you killed them and started again whos to say your new plants wouldnt have the same problem as those


Well-Known Member
It looks like you may have a couple things going on. I see some leaf tips curling under which normally mean too much nutes, but you say you also have yellowing on the bottom leaves. Of course the yellowing would most likely be nitrogen deficiency, so it is possible that the medium has too much of some other nutes or salt build up which could mess up ph and lock out nutes.
When plants are over watered the leaves will droop but be more rigid, if under watered they will droop and be floppy.
A nute deficiency can be corrected faster than a ph problem or nute lock out.
I would flush and then give it some type of organic nitrogen nutrient, mixed at half strength or less.
Good luck, Cavalry

Dank Raptor

Active Member
The leaf tips hooking downward and newer growth coming out twisted is a sign of calcium defeciency which can also lockout magnesium. Are you giving your plant any calcium/magnesium supplement?

What type of soil is it rooted in? A bad soil ph can also give you calcium and magnesium defeciencies.

Also the three fingered leaves are a sign of stress. Give the plant some time to recover before you top it. Dont stress though you can fix your problem because it is early. You may have to transplant though. It will only affect yield if it is not fixed before you flip it over into flower.

Also, how many watts are you using, what medium and what type of nutes?


I'm not feeding no nutes and i'm using canna professional soil.
Lights 400watt HPS x 2.
No iv not feed no calcium or mag supplements, should i? I'm transplanting to bigger pots tomorrow. Also i'm considering buying nutes for the rest of veg to give it vitamins ect is this correct?


Active Member
I'm not feeding no nutes and i'm using canna professional soil.
Lights 400watt HPS x 2.
No iv not feed no calcium or mag supplements, should i? I'm transplanting to bigger pots tomorrow. Also i'm considering buying nutes for the rest of veg to give it vitamins ect is this correct?
whoa hold on there cowboy. dont add anything until you know whats going on. very cold temps and/or fluctations like hot and cold can cause it. hormonal issues could be a factor. salt build up, root rot, like before mentioned the more info the better. ive see this a few times and usually would clone correct. that is take clones, cross fingers.


Active Member
First off you need to figure out which Canna soil mix you have, the one with or without nutes in it? If you have the one without Nutes in it, it is probably a good bet you need to feed your plants with a good balanced fertilizer.
The last week i been having a really bad problem and can't find the cause of it :(
The new growth has been thinning, bottom leaves have turned yellow, plants drooping.
I'm wondering if this has stunted growth, if so will this affect my yield? Even if i vegged longer so they can repair properly?
I'm really puzzled to what this problem is i thought it was over watering but i cut down the last week and they look like they have not healed.
I will be correcting the ph properly from tomorrow as i'm using drops to work out the ph at the moment.
Any advice?
Where are you growing them?? Do you have a grow tent? I kinda of thinking you don't or you would have taken the picture from inside the tent. That was my biggest mistake from the beginning. NOT HAVING A GROW TENT!!!

They are more cost effect in the UK then USA.


Where are you growing them?? Do you have a grow tent? I kinda of thinking you don't or you would have taken the picture from inside the tent. That was my biggest mistake from the beginning. NOT HAVING A GROW TENT!!!

They are more cost effect in the UK then USA.
I'm in canada & i have a box with mylar ect but i had to take the pictures outside of the room because i'm using a web cam plus the lights was interfering with the quality of the picture


whoa hold on there cowboy. dont add anything until you know whats going on. very cold temps and/or fluctations like hot and cold can cause it. hormonal issues could be a factor. salt build up, root rot, like before mentioned the more info the better. ive see this a few times and usually would clone correct. that is take clones, cross fingers.
My roots are nice and white no rotting there. This started the day after i fed them water with a low ph because of those stupid ph drops, along with over watering at the same time.
Temps could be a issue in the night as it drops below that 10 margin. I'm now going to feed with the correct ph if i see improvements i will add veg really diluted and increase slowly also i will keep it warmer in the night. Is there anything else i should do?
I am very new as well. Less than a year and on my 4th grow. So many of my problems improved and disappeared. Once I got a grow tent and equipment. Used Ionic nutrients and brought feminize seeds. And may have been so lucky as to have produced some feminized seeds. I posted about it yesterday and there are pictures. Been experimenting with my lightening as well. I have cfls for seedlings, 400 watts for some of the growth (just got those) Tent came with 600 watt (too hot and it makes my electric meter spin). Maybe its too hot in the box. Try CFL lights....Looking on ebay and other usa sites...Lights are expensive as are the tents. Dont know what the prices would be like in Canada.