Should I kick the bitch out?


Well-Known Member
:clap:lolol...thanks for clearing that up SSboy! I am the type of person who kills spiders and bugs and stuff - in my area - but outside, it is their area and I respect that. Except usually for black widows. We have them everywhere. I just went out to check and see if I could get a better pic but she hasn't come out yet. I have a dog and don't want her sniffing around the web and getting bit. But during the day, even if something is in her web (like another spider the other day), she stays under the board. So I think I will let her stay only because she is beneficial to my girls and she stays under the board during the day (if I don't see it it wont bother me). But I will continue to tear most of the web down. It is in the way, and connected to my girl, pulling the leaves down. Thanks for your input everyone.


Well-Known Member
:twisted:Okay...yes, I should have kicked the bitch out. They will eat your good bugs. I believe she ate a mantis...this is the skeleton



Well-Known Member
Ahh bummer fumble. Well it could of been any spider though if she wasn't there anyways.


Active Member
Mantis' shed their exoskeletons, kinda like a snake's skin. I don't think the spider could "deshell" a mantis :) Prob would have eaten it whole.


Well-Known Member
most spiders and bugs eat that way, it aint gross

Black widows are carnivorous and cannibalistic in nature. The way the black widows eat can seem gross to some people, but is actually one of the interesting facts about the black widow spider. These spiders puncture the prey's body using their fangs and inject digestive enzymes into the dead body of the prey. Then the black widows liquefy the prey's body and suck-up the fluid! The black widows, despite being poisonous, have many predators. Black widow spiders are the favorite food of the praying mantis. There are also some birds which eat these spiders and often end up with an upset stomach!


Well-Known Member
I thought it just kind of sucked the life right outta them. Guess I was right. The ant sucks the sugar right outta the aphid's ass! lmao!!!