should I keep growing....loads female preflowers ...but one male preflower has shown???


Active Member
Hi all......well I've been at it on off now for 10 years odd..... I know how to sex plants etc I've seen hermied too....well ... I have six plants strain unknown?? From seed ..... One witch looked the squatuest even showing crystals on leaves etc. Would if been one to watch but it turned out male and showed um first Out of them all......I'll keep it for getting some seed as it such good signs of any female preflowers on another plant has showed female preflowers all over I only switched 1212 two days back . preflowers been showing for weeks . ...anyway its female all over apart from one that looks like a male preflower......if it is .... And as there is only one ..can I remove it safely..??.. Hope there's no more..!....if it was a Hermy surely they'd be more male preflowers ??? Two others look all female, the others have too small a preflowers too tell, But may be Hermy ??? Though as time goes on the male preflower I'm talking about isn't multiplying its balls as it were ...I think it may be start of a leaf growing.?.. Tho its coming from the preflowers site??? ...any thoughts or help on any if this????? Thank you.........
If you can clearly see balls AND pistils this early in flower it's probably a true hermie and you should chuck it before it pollinates your other plants. I just learned the hard way how fast that can happen! Don't risk it, chuck it before it chucks it's spunk all over. There is nothing more terrible then a harvest day being ruined by the discovery of seeds!

Also, it's really hard to catch all the male pollen sacs, even if you do try to pull them off as they appear. In fact, it's almost impossible and your bound to miss one. It only takes one teeny tiny little fower to pollinate your entire room. Chances are you will miss some and pollen will be chucked.
Also, keep checking your plants as often as possible. Like I said, those male flowers develop wickedly fast.

Sounds like an actual hermie and not a stressed plant that is trying to pollinate itself-there is a big difference. A self pollinating female that pollinates other females will at least result in feminized seeds. A true genetic hermie that pollinates itself/other femals will produce unstable seeds with the hermie trait present. People get this twisted all the time, and hermie are pretty rare.

A true hermie, at least in my experience, acts a little differently then other plants when 12/12 is induced. Usually they seam like they are going to be your biggest best plant, they stretch and throw more branches up to the canopy then the other plants, but if you look close at the buds they won't be as developed as the true females and again, in my experience don't develop trichs as well as the true females of the same age.
Male balls have a stem and hang down...that little stem is a dead give away because sometimes female calyxs look similar at first.

If your only seeing one I say pull it off and keep checking every inch of your plant every day for signs of more-or signs that it is a hermie or somethings up-are the buds developing the same as the other plants? Is the structure different? Is it not developing as quick as everything else? Of course different phenos can be expressed, I'm just saying pay close attention to how your plants are developing and keep looking for signs of balls or male flowers. If you find a male flower cross your fingers and hope it didn't pollinate every branch in your room.

Some people do have success with pulling the sacs off, but like I said-if it's a true hermie it won't be a quality plant-they don't develop the same as true females. Again, I'm not talking about a female that tries to pollinate itself, i'm talking about a true hermie.
Wow squidbilly' I was contemplating writing a different thread but here it seems u got exactly what I was asking! Thank you so much for your time..well outta full on deffo Hermy im sure of it tho no white hairs ,could be male I spouse..?...but plant in question mainly ,, the one has fem preflowers all over, the one pref lower I thought was male, still had yet to multiply balls, gonna keep close eye on it, in case it bit if that extra veg growth you get sometimes....
Also reason the male preflowers may of appeared my light schedule git mad mixed up for bout a week during the 18-6.... now this its been corrected for bout week now....if I corrected this, could they be OK now ?,no more male flowers??I be keeping good eye on that one tho deffo, still ain't multiplied balls yet, may be it's that weird veg growth get there some times.?

Thank you so much for answering so quick, UV got a knack of understanding .....even I weren't sure someone would, lol, thank again. .?.you have been very helpful and informative ...can't thank u enough
Sorry one more there a difference in that one that shows d different secx on the same site and one that shows same sex on separate sites...??? Is this the diff between stressed and true Hermie's????
One or two male "preflowers" < yeah lets call them that lol no big deal pick them off and recheck once a week after week 5 who cares.
now if you got 8 or more fuck that time to just toss the plant.
Good luck
make sure when your lights are out no light is getting in from the outside. true hermies tend to look real bad ass get a big female bud then they drop the balls or grow the balls rite along side and in the female bud. a self pollinated female will just get peddles no pollen sack but the peddles will still give you seeds. Those seeds however tend to be better in some cases than the mother plant.
Hi Dr pecker when u say peddles? What do u mean...the nanners when the female bud is few weeks in..? Mine are only now bout 1 week in too 1212......the light stress was before 1212.......Also thanks all that have contributed....tar.............yeah I now chucked one male..?.and two her mies had loads of balls n pistils......well I'm left with couple FEMS..and one that's had the odd male flower .......its been bout 4-5 days......light timer sorted and fingers xd no more male flowers appear to be starting to grow.....though sometime the male flower actually grows right next nearly inside of female calyx...very hard to u say after week 5 who cares, I'll just try to be very vigilant in removing um........n I'm trying to source some cuttings now to fill the gaps, may be few auto seeds?????
Thanks fssalaska, I have chucked a couple as u said in last post, the others have produced very few male flowers, and none since I removed and sorted timer out?
Hi Dr pecker when u say peddles? What do u mean...the nanners when the female bud is few weeks in..? Mine are only now bout 1 week in too 1212......the light stress was before 1212.......Also thanks all that have contributed....tar.............yeah I now chucked one male..?.and two her mies had loads of balls n pistils......well I'm left with couple FEMS..and one that's had the odd male flower .......its been bout 4-5 days......light timer sorted and fingers xd no more male flowers appear to be starting to grow.....though sometime the male flower actually grows right next nearly inside of female calyx...very hard to u say after week 5 who cares, I'll just try to be very vigilant in removing um........n I'm trying to source some cuttings now to fill the gaps, may be few auto seeds?????
A male plant will have five peddles per pollen sack.
this is a hermaphrodite
something like this is caused from lighthitting it durring the dark period or stress. It creates a feminized seed sometimes it's better than the parent plant it can also happen late in flower
i wouldn't hang on to a plant with this many nanners
what these are is a male flower that hasn't opened yet they are covered in pollen it will create a feminized seed but It looks a bit unstable for my taste.
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Hello tar for replies, I thought that about the feminized seeds, but only if there was only a few `peddles`........thing is mine were light stressed in the last weeks of veg, some showed both types of pref lower, one all male with few pistils, there were two that looked all fem, but now at closer inspection , when I pull of a female pref lower there is actually the start of seeds growing in the majority of them, there has been no pollen released in the air..?...but on these ones the male primordia is growing directly inside the female Primordia , which has seemed of instantly pollented the female as it was growing directly inside it, I've not seen this in ten years, and as a Hermie of this type, very very hard to even realize its a hermy , had the others not been Hermie, I wouldn't of checked this in so close, so is this even possible as I'm 100% sure there's no pollen been released, the males flowers were that small I didn't think the pollen would be viable, but it seems this is all it tkakes, I have now ripped the lot, cut my losses, just met an old pal and I have some very nice cuttings in next few days, this time I'll do proper, no trying to skimp on things, like. Cheap timer or soil..,,.I'll stick with the stuff I've always had good results with..?.......tar again everyone's I've sorted my cam out now, I'll put ups some pics to show you, as I have not seen ought like it on the net, I have searched everywhere and I'm good and finding the info I need usually, I'm by no means a newbie grower, I just have never come across this before............ the seeds were out of an 1/8 great bud, but was bout 11seeds, I should known better than to use them I spouse........what a wastes, my advice use quality seed or cutting, although some the best plants and bud I've ever grown was out of bag seed, if u only find a seed or two in say an 1/8 most likely be feminized seed, if there quite a few in n 1/8 , I'd leave um,!!!!!! Is this correct assumption to make????
Here's some pics to xplain....the female calyx looks really good . thought some hairs turning brown after two weeks..led me to look closer ..anyway I pulled one the preflowers off and directed it.....inside I found sometimes start if a seed..others a male pre inside the calyx with start seed in this...hope u can tell from pics...soz from my should a seed start growing at all inside of a female calyx until it has pollen from male....or is there like a start of a seed..tiny but seed shape inside all fem calyxs.....all the fem flowers have this on these plants...I'm sure I have never seen this befire


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Here's some pics to xplain....the female calyx looks really good . thought some hairs turning brown after two weeks..led me to look closer ..anyway I pulled one the preflowers off and directed it.....inside I found sometimes start if a seed..others a male pre inside the calyx with start seed in this...hope u can tell from pics...soz from my should a seed start growing at all inside of a female calyx until it has pollen from male....or is there like a start of a seed..tiny but seed shape inside all fem calyxs.....all the fem flowers have this on these plants...I'm sure I have never seen this befire
lol.........gtfoh. where are the hidden cameras? when does Alan Funk appear?

"One witch looked the squatuest" this Lord of the Rings?
Hhi Dr pecker......the second PIC wat was inside the calyx in the 1st....there aren't sepearte.....every fem flower is like it on several plants??? Like real small I mature seeds....all hairscstill white tho????