Should I just smoke it?


New Member
Hey so I think I attached some pictures, but yea first time noob here and when I started my first plants I took it way to lighth, yanno just kinda germinated my seeds, put em in small pots infront of my window, watered then one or twice a day (moved them to a box later with a plant light and bigger pots)

Anyways so I was planning on starting over again with neew seeds, proper soil and ph level, proper light and water etc. So I was wondering weather I shud chop up the plants I currently have and try to dry and roll them up? (Ino the high wont be great) so what do u think? Smoke what I have now or just keep letting them grow and see what happens? (Also btw the plants are female and auto female)



Active Member
Dry it out in a book and then put it into a picture frame... rip it out now and start over.


Well-Known Member
Smoke the big buds and make hash oil from the larf. Sell the hash oil for 3x your cost and you are in business. Suggest you call it Bionett's Hash Oil or maybe Hash Oil by Bionett. The advice I'm giving you is valuable, but take it as my guest, no charge this time. Good luck, never give up!


Well-Known Member
Let it finish. There's always something to learn. Calyx swell. Dry. Cure.
Then you can smoke it later and it will be better.


bud bootlegger
i'm on the let them finish side of the fence.. you've gone this far, might as well let them finish and have something worth smoking, even if it's not much..


Active Member
Maybe letting it finish growing is a good idea. You might get some good experience from seeing the plant grow to full maturity (and it'll probably make your next growth a lot better!).

If not for the flower than for the experience (bonus: you'll have bud to smoke anyway!).