One of my two hermaphrodites has matured faster than my other 4 plants by far. Its got the most bud growth with thicker fuller buds and most if not all the hairs have turned brown. I'm not sure if thats just from pollen or if that means she/he is getting close to ripe??? I looked at some different areas of the plant today with a pocket microscope(which says it goes up to 100x and is luminated). Most of the trichs, I would say, look cloudy but several were definitely amber or brown. Maybe I should let it go another week? Or should I chop it now?

Oh by the way, these are all bag seeds so who knows the strain. I think 2/5 are from the same weed which both turned out hermie. And the other 3 are from the same weed and look like this...

Oh by the way, these are all bag seeds so who knows the strain. I think 2/5 are from the same weed which both turned out hermie. And the other 3 are from the same weed and look like this...