Should I harvest now or later because of her condition???


Active Member
I have a Blueberry X Bubblicious plant growing in my stealth computer grow. I have a journal of my growth and some pictures (mainly bud shots) so if you need more information than what I'm providing just ask. This is my first attempt at growing but it isn't my only one, just only one I seem to be having problems with. She was vegged for 5 weeks (+1 day) and been flowering for 8 weeks (56 days) as of today. At about day 31 of flower I overwatered her and didn't really know what I had done or how to fix... Basically I just try to let nature take care of her and dry up the soil but she didn't need another watering until around day 41 of flower (10 days later; I repotted her with new soil) which is weird because she was in a 1qt. container but not root bounded for sure. She's in a new pot now with new soil and has been for over a week. I'm not sure if this stunted her bud development or not but she is indica dominant and her buds havn't even started to swell up yet at week 8 of flower which I find very strange. A lot of her hairs are orange and all of the fan leaves have died, some of the smaller leaves around the buds are dying too so what I wanted to know what I should do, harvest now? Do I let her go another 2 weeks or so? I don't have a specific time to harvest so please respond with anything that can help me. I have older pictures as well if you need to see them just request them. Yes I know the pencil thing is a bit ghetto but there was a theme at first but then I let it go... Anyways, here's some current picture of her.



Well-Known Member
Man, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but that hurts for 13 weeks.
When you have problems ask for help man!
Don't torture your plant like that.
I'd say go ahead and pull it, and start fresh.
Now you have a little experience under the belt, and know better what works for you.
Even if you let her go for another couple weeks, you're not going to see much if any improvement.


Well-Known Member
Sad looking for 13 weeks, I'd have to agree, pull them and try again, oh btw get rid of the aluminium foil it does no good only creates hot spots that could burn your plants, better of with flat white poster boards.


Active Member
Man, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but that hurts for 13 weeks.
When you have problems ask for help man!
Don't torture your plant like that.
I'd say go ahead and pull it, and start fresh.
Now you have a little experience under the belt, and know better what works for you.
Even if you let her go for another couple weeks, you're not going to see much if any improvement.
She isn't my main plant but yeah I see what you mean. Maybe soon I'll post my main grow for everyone to see. She was my test plant for small pots but towards the end I started actually wanting to keep her.


Active Member
Sad looking for 13 weeks, I'd have to agree, pull them and try again, oh btw get rid of the aluminium foil it does no good only creates hot spots that could burn your plants, better of with flat white poster boards.
I've tested the hotspot thing with a crappy male, the CFL lighting isn't enough to create hotspots strong enough to harm the plants and it is better than nothing :) my main room has white walls. Thanks for the advice though, love hearing it as a first time grower.


Active Member
yeah thats alot of work for a day or two worth of smoke. i would cram as many indica clones in there as possible all in one pot and veg for 3 days then go 12/12. u have a ton of unused canopy space.


Active Member
yeah thats alot of work for a day or two worth of smoke. i would cram as many indica clones in there as possible all in one pot and veg for 3 days then go 12/12. u have a ton of unused canopy space.
It used to be full before the accident but yeah I wanted to but I don't have as much luck with clones as a more experienced grower would have so I'm trying to stay away from clones until I get a couple of grows under my belt first.


Active Member
2013-03-06 11.11.24.jpg2013-03-06 11.11.31.jpg Definitely not the best but it's something I guess and if it's not as smokable as I think it should be I can always give it to a co-worker :P 7.3g wet weight so I'm thinking around 2g dry? This is some really sweet fruity smelling bud, almost like if you put a fruit basket and a rose basket in a small room together and the smells combine. Anyways this is the jar they will cure in, atm they are drying, will be taking my first taste test around Sunday so if you are one of the people that wants to know how the bud came out even with all that has happened to her, there you go.


Active Member
It dried to be 1.5g and was a very heady high, she smelt alright and tasted alright but no where near what I know she can be.