Should I harvest now BC of bananas


Well-Known Member
U think a few days a dark and it will be ripe enough I thought I had two weeks left but almsot all my trics are cloudy
I would go for it...fuck risking the others over 1 plant..a few months to grow 1 plant orrrr have seeds in your whole crop


Well-Known Member
If I harvest now it will be exactly 7 weeks since I flipped it to 12/12 but only 5 weeks 5 days since the first preflower. I'm thinking about giving it a few more days with light then about three days darkness in my bed room then harvest


Well-Known Member
Harvest the whole plant at once since you only have one... Hard to get a proper cure if you harvest a couple buds at a time. Also don't plan on drying for four to eight days. One small plant already trimmed and snipped down to nugs which appears to be your choice in manicuring can be ready for jars in two to three days, watch it closely is all, common beginner mistake over drying is. Personally i also trim wet straight to nugs btw. Gets rid of all stinky veg matter immediately and it's faster and easier.


Well-Known Member
I harvested one bud a few hours ago weighed 11.2 wet. I plan on harvesting one branch each week until past harvest so I can see for myself what kinda tric I like best. Best way to learn something is hands on
About 3grams dry weight if i remember the conversion correctly.


Well-Known Member
roolitup needs new things for us to view , please keep asking as many questions you feel like so we have things to look at . have to kill a 16 hour work day with nothing at all to do !
That's what I said and I always post reasonable shit. Not always but sometime it's a good post and leads to great conversations


Well-Known Member
Year I plan to hang dry for about 4-8 days till the stem cracks and then cure for at least 2 weeks
yeah you would have to have high rh or wicked huge branches for it to take 4-8 days to dry....more like 3-4 and cure as long as you want...I find the longer the better wine


Well-Known Member
yeah you would have to have high rh or wicked huge branches for it to take 4-8 days to dry....more like 3-4 and cure as long as you want...I find the longer the better wine
Yea I plan on a min of two weeks cure here is two days ago scope pics I'll post today in a few. Who woulda guessed if u put ur phone camera up to the pocket scope it takes decent pics.



Well-Known Member
How close do y'all think it is. I don't want amber trics but I also wanna do the two days darkness and don't want it to turn amber during that either.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about making tomorrow night her last night with light. Then doing two days 48 hrs darkness. ANY OBJECTIONS???