Should I harvest her soon?

I know the plant doesn't look too healthy, but she made it through budding. Don't know if I should go ahead and harvest now? Red hairs seem to be somewhere between 30-50% to the white ones... but my eye could be wrong as I have no idea how to do it perfectly :lol: What do you experts say here eh? Check some pics:

Other buds seem to have more of the orange colored pistils than the still white pistils. Also, anyone out there able to tell me my deficiency here? Thanks! Bump.
Doesn't look done at all to me. Looks like you've got a while to go. Do you have a scope? To view the trichomes, it's best to use a scope to see if they've turned from clear to cloudy to amber. They're literally 13 bucks from Radio Shack. The pictures here that I see....the buds need to be a bit more robust and full if that makes sense. How far along are they? Have you flushed at all?
Doesn't look done at all to me. Looks like you've got a while to go. Do you have a scope? To view the trichomes, it's best to use a scope to see if they've turned from clear to cloudy to amber. They're literally 13 bucks from Radio Shack. The pictures here that I see....the buds need to be a bit more robust and full if that makes sense. How far along are they? Have you flushed at all?
Cant flush with this particular soil she started with. The plan is in MiracleGro Moisture Control (her clone's are NOT and will not be). However, did flush it about 5-6 weeks ago just after beginning the flower stage (people have mentioned since that this is very bad with moisture control, it held that water for 2 weeks!). There are absolutely no fan leaves remaining, I think it's been over watered this entire time. With the lack of fan leaves, I think that the buds size have been impacted a wee bit. A lot of the the pistils are changing color form white to orange :-) Just wondering how much longer 'til the whole thing is ready? Will post some more pics of some of the other buds that show a little better view of the pistils going orange. Gotta wait until the lady wakes up. Guess she needs a little extra time to ripen. Thanks for help raptoid!


Well-Known Member
Cant flush with this particular soil she started with. The plan is in MiracleGro Moisture Control (her clone's are NOT and will not be). However, did flush it about 5-6 weeks ago just after beginning the flower stage (people have mentioned since that this is very bad with moisture control, it held that water for 2 weeks!). There are absolutely no fan leaves remaining, I think it's been over watered this entire time. With the lack of fan leaves, I think that the buds size have been impacted a wee bit. A lot of the the pistils are changing color form white to orange :-) Just wondering how much longer 'til the whole thing is ready? Will post some more pics of some of the other buds that show a little better view of the pistils going orange. Gotta wait until the lady wakes up. Guess she needs a little extra time to ripen. Thanks for help raptoid!
buds should be bigger without fan leaves soaking up all the light i trim them all off after week 2 or 3

but ya that plant isnt done get a scope from radio shack and check the trikes


Active Member
Just started giving extra nutes a couple weeks ago. Only two waterings with EXTRA nutes so far. She is in high nuted soil already, but maybe they're all drained out?
well your little marijuana plant is no virgin since u fucked her when u put her in the miracle grow
buds should be bigger without fan leaves soaking up all the light i trim them all off after week 2 or 3

but ya that plant isnt done get a scope from radio shack and check the trikes
Thanks, I guess by popular vote the scope will be added to the cannabis kit tomorrow! Any chance on a good detailed description of what to be looking at/for?


Well-Known Member
the bulbs on the trikes will be clear, then cloudy, then amber. when they are half amber half cloudy that is a good time to pull. the more amber they are the more indica type effects the plant will have. the more cloudy be more sativa type effects. obviously you cant make a green crack a couch lock really but good medium is half half thats what i look for. if the bulbs are all popped lol that means its over cooked so to speak
the bulbs on the trikes will be clear, then cloudy, then amber. when they are half amber half cloudy that is a good time to pull. the more amber they are the more indica type effects the plant will have. the more cloudy be more sativa type effects. obviously you cant make a green crack a couch lock really but good medium is half half thats what i look for. if the bulbs are all popped lol that means its over cooked so to speak
Well ummm... there are different genetics to these plants. Trike color hasn't too much to do with what type of effects they come with? Sorry if I'm wrong here... BUT. Northern Lights Marijuana would be an "indica" strain and Haze Marijuana strains are "sativa" type. Thanks for the attempt at advise, but only give information if it is correct please. The worst type of information is misinformation. Anyone else out there know of some "best practices" for what to look for before harvesting?


Active Member
Look for all the trichs to be milky and some amber. I like to be at 15-20% amber. I may be wrong but Haze strains are sativas.
Look for all the trichs to be milky and some amber. I like to be at 15-20% amber. I may be wrong but Haze strains are sativas.
Yeah haha got caught up in my explanation. Definitely meant to give one example of each type of weed, and put "indica" label on both... edit! Haze is def sativa, my favorite. Thanks for input on signs of harvesting time.


Well-Known Member
misinformed? then do the research on your own if ur gonna be correcting people and accusing them for misleading u, when in fact they are right, but u just dont know any better.....

just because a sativa is a sativa, doesnt mean it cant have a stoned indica effect if let go all amber......high might start off sativa, but can go indica really fast...... like a 50/50 hybrid.... you can easily make it a 60/40 in either direction depending if u harvest little early to a little late....

sum ppl.....
misinformed? then do the research on your own if ur gonna be correcting people and accusing them for misleading u, when in fact they are right, but u just dont know any better.....

just because a sativa is a sativa, doesnt mean it cant have a stoned indica effect if let go all amber......high might start off sativa, but can go indica really fast...... like a 50/50 hybrid.... you can easily make it a 60/40 in either direction depending if u harvest little early to a little late....

sum ppl.....
Man I just re-read my post and didnt realize how much of an ass I sounded like. I wasn't sure and hadn't heard of sativas being able to produce an indica type high at all. Was curious, but I'll definitely keep that in mind because I always like a little relaxation buzz. Thanks for further explanation even after that assholeishness :-) Sorryyy. Peace.