Should I go DMT my rectum?

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Well-Known Member
I don't have any MAOI inhibitors, and I thinking today is a good day to slam a gelcap up filled with 150mg of DMT and BLAST OFF!!!!

I got the idea from this chick. I guess you don't have to have an MAOI inhibitor if you just lube the ol' evil eye and pop that shit in like your fillin up your pez dispenser.

If youve done this before hopefully your open minded enough to talk about it publically. I love vagina, sometimes i get my anus licked very nicely in romantic situations. I have a harry ass so I can't imagine that looked pretty, but this girl loves massaging my anals with her tongue.

So is this dosage about right? What can you compare the trip too? How long will it last analy? This chick in the link below melted the dmt in butter and shot it up her ass. I was just going to let the gel cap melt, maybe add a littl anal eaze for numbing the anal cavity in the event some burn is to be felt. According to this chick, it burned, but she also put a stick of butter up her ass...


Well-Known Member
I dont let girls touch my butthole.
But yeah this shit is wild. I'd do it if it really takes care of all those sideeffects.
Dont tell anyone

I don't have any MAOI inhibitors, and I thinking today is a good day to slam a gelcap up filled with 150mg of DMT and BLAST OFF!!!!

I got the idea from this chick. I guess you don't have to have an MAOI inhibitor if you just lube the ol' evil eye and pop that shit in like your fillin up your pez dispenser.

If youve done this before hopefully your open minded enough to talk about it publically. I love vagina, sometimes i get my anus licked very nicely in romantic situations. I have a harry ass so I can't imagine that looked pretty, but this girl loves massaging my anals with her tongue.

So is this dosage about right? What can you compare the trip too? How long will it last analy? This chick in the link below melted the dmt in butter and shot it up her ass. I was just going to let the gel cap melt, maybe add a littl anal eaze for numbing the anal cavity in the event some burn is to be felt. According to this chick, it burned, but she also put a stick of butter up her ass...


Well-Known Member
what she dosnt tell you is that after your trip, or the next time you use the bathroom your gonna have a wierd discharge, dont be alarmed its not bad and it doesnt hurt, its just there, so if it happens dont get scared. have fun doing it
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