should i flower these this weekend


IMAG0148.jpg. Ok so these lemon skunks at week three of veg,they stand just under 15inch tall in 18ltr pots. Should I flip this weekend,they should be between 16-17inch tall by then.


Well-Known Member
Depends on your space and what your trying to accomplish. Looks like your going for a SOG so I would flower as soon as possible.


Active Member
Definitely flip them soon, they're ready when you are.
Don't do what i did my first grow and wait till 2 ft to flip them,
You'll end up outgrowing your space with 5 ft monsters you dont know what to do with xD


It's the height I'm worried about,nah not ment to have done a a s.o.g lol. I super cropped them about 3 days ago. I try to grow short bushes not tree's


Active Member
Definitely flip them soon, they're ready when you are.
Don't do what i did my first grow and wait till 2 ft to flip them,
You'll end up outgrowing your space with 5 ft monsters you dont know what to do with xD
LLS I did the same thing LOL I would open the closet and you couldn't see the sides or the back, just plants everywhere. Funny looking back at it now,but back then I was freaking out. U couldn't even see the lights after a while

Yeah brah, My rule or the one I was taught is flip when they are about 1/3 of the total height you want them to be at Harvest. And most definitly account for space. LLS!!!! Good Luck and Happy Smoking


Well-Known Member
Always amazes me how much they grow during that 1-2 weeks after the flip.. Its like


Ok well I'm gonna flip them this weekend for sure. Just waiting for my intake to arrive as my temps are just under 30c and I like it around the 26c mark. Cheers for replys and good luck to you all.


Will do,two of them are at 17 inch already so tomorrows the day,I'm hoping for 2oz+ per plant. I've managed a oz an half before with just 600w and 10ltr pots,this time I've got 18ltr pots and 1000w. Wot you reckon?