should i even wastd my time with this (possible) male?


Well-Known Member
So my first grow, I ran 10 plants and 8 of them were female. As they got bigger and I started to run out of space, I decided to take 2 of them outside. I had heard that males are "scragglier" and "lankier", and so I picked out two plants (during veg, mind you) that looked the lankiest and took them out.

Those two plants wound up being the only males in my whole first run. So I'm definitely thinking that there is truth to what I was told.

So I'm now on my second run, and I'm running a few white lavender clones and a few ak-47 seeds that aren't femenized. Out of the 4 ak-47's, 2 of them are bushier and two of them are getting really lanky. I went to transplant yesterday, and realized that one of them is so lanky and scraggly that it has to be a male.

I decided (for the time being, at least) not to waste my fox farms soil on the transplant just yet. I was gonna post some pics and see if anyone else thinks these plants (or 1, in particular) is/are male.

View attachment 2862843Here's the guy in question.

View attachment 2862843Here's my shitty slow speeds causing me to upload a double.

Here he is in between two females, notice the difference in the height of the pots to the butter dish

View attachment 2862933 Lanky as all hell View attachment 2862936

With vert long internodal spacingIMG_20131017_092322.jpgIMG_20131017_092234.jpg

That last one is beside the other possible male. I went ahead and transplanted that one but I'll have to keep a close eye on it.

Anyways, anyone else think there is truth to the "if its long and lanky its a male" theory? My first grow supported the fact
ive heard about stressing a plant to show signs of sex. let it become root bound and when it gets to stressed it should show signs of sex fro what i have read from other threads.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have a closet for veg and a tent for flower with some recently vacated space so I was thinking of throwing them in there just long enough to sex them (did it with my og kush mother) but I'm not sure if its too early BC they aren't even alternating nodes yet
soposedly some times ive saw ppl put clones in to flower and they do it. some curl up and dye. all depends on the strain. i would try it but its just my curious nature. i mean i think its a male but you oculd also, 1% chance, have a type of ogre.


Clone your plants and keep track of clone/parent once they have rooted put them on a 12/12 cycle and sex will show while your crop is still in veg, you can also keep your clones in solo cup while doing this.


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for the replies guys. Space is already getting really tight and my seed order should be here early next week so I think I'm just gonna let him go...

On another note, I cannot WAIT to run some of the new shit that's coming :)